Tampon commercial marginalizes transgender women

Transgender san diego

Transgender san diegoA New Zealand tampon company  is apologizing for an offensive television ad that depicts a transgender female competing with another woman in what the company alludes to natural differences between the two.

Libra is removing the ads after equality groups say the commercials “ridicule” transgender women.

The ad features a blonde woman and what appears to be a transgender woman competing in womanhood. The two are depicted applying makeup, adjusting bras, and fluffing their hair. The blonde woman finally produces a tampon as the seemingly defeated contender leaves the room.

The tampon says it “regrets any offence taken to our recent tampon advertisement. It was never intended to upset or offend anyone.”

As to airing the commercial, the company decided on keeping the ad based on “independent research” and added that the ad was viewed positively during its testing period.

“Libra takes all feedback very seriously, and in response to this, we will immediately review our future position with this campaign based on the feedback received. There are no further advertisements scheduled in New Zealand.”

Transgender activists including Wellington Gay Welfare say the ads “ridicule” transgender women and are a “cheap shot” to the community as a whole.

“Somebody got paid an enormous amount of money to come up with that and at the expense of a minority in our society who the last thing they need is inane comments like that being made about them,” said former Labour MP Georgina Beyer, the world’s first transgender MP.

Comments on Libra’s Facebook account included the following:

“Your commercial is disgusting. It’s misogynistic and transphobic. WOMEN ARE NOT DEFINED BY THEIR PERIODS.”

“Accepting people for who they are, not what they are, is not political correctness. It is basic, human decency.”

“Transphobic media like this ad contributes to bullying and youth suicide.”

3 thoughts on “Tampon commercial marginalizes transgender women

  1. Oh good grief! This is getting absolutely ridiculous! Now, alluding to the fact that there are natural differences between a male transgender person and a natal female is ridicule? That would be hilarious if it were not so completely absurd. I mean, we are talking about a group of people who, by and large, do not even have a vagina getting upset because they are not being treated as though they have a need for tampons? Seriously? And the funniest part is, the same ones making a fuss over this are probably among those who are the loudest in demanding that we all be “out, loud, and proud.” I had a friend who, when younger, and of age where such an item would be appropriate, carried tampons in her bag, in part so if asked for one, she would have one, like any other woman her age. She also carried a few other items so, if asked for ID in the women’s room (hight unlikely, as she was not likely to be seen as anything other than the woman she is) she could hand them to cop as she searched for her license. She figured after being handed a box of tampons, and her birth control pills, he would realize his mistake. I doubt she ever had to test the idea. Of course, the extremists would just have a fit and scream about their absolute right to be in the ladies room no matter who much it offends women. And once more, this is yet another reason I do not, nor will I ever, remotely, identify as transgender.

  2. If men can be women and women become men or they don’t have to be anything then why have sexes? Transgender is yet another label that the LGBT community has to carry. I do however respect natural women! They have painful periods, childbirth. ovarian and breast cancer, not some guy in a dress or had his/her penis inverted. Some credit must be given to the breeders of the human race.

  3. As a transgender male, even I see that it was wrong to even air the commercial. Genitals should be no business to media, as to the comments underneath, they are very inappropriate. It’s none of anyone’s business as to if anyone was able to fully transition or not, I don’t care if you think someone was born “male” or “female”. Transgender women have always been women and transgender men have always been men. Labels are created for more comfort in the LGBTQ community. A sense of accomplishment and pride is carried from the name I’m labeled as. Transitioning means you are finally in the place you’ve belonged. Not every woman is going to have a period or give birth anyways so don’t point that out as a difference. I’m tired of media treating my community as “men in dresses” and “butch lesbians”. There are positive and negative labels, some people chose the absolute wrong one.

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