Support for Lt. Choi from pro-LGBT group inside Dept. of Defense

Gay News San Diego

Gay News San Diego
Dan Choi, pictured, at the 2009 pride parade in San Francisco. // Photo Credit: Wikimedia Commons

Following is a letter, reprinted with permission from its author, sent to U.S. District Court Judge John M. Facciola late last month in support of Lt. Choi, who was, as he puts it, singled out for arrest during a protest because of his vocal challenging of the now defunct policy known as Don’t Ask Don’t Tell. – Ed.

Throughout the millennia of human history legislative and executive branches have been swayed by political whims of the masses. These governing branches are not good at self-correcting and or holding themselves accountable for the unjust laws created, approved, and implemented by themselves. The only glimmer of hope that does exist for oppressed classes comes from the judicial branch. This prosecution of Daniel Choi is not about one person, but in fact represents an entire oppressed class of patriotic Americans that know our US Constitution demands better for all its citizens from its elected public servants.

In writing this it is our hope that you, Judge Facciola, will do the right thing for this oppressed class. That not only will you look at the US Constitutional violations by the government as they twist our legal system to benefit tyrannical oppression, but that you will consider the pre-existing legal basis from the Magna Carta. For instance equitable estoppel; the legal principle that bars a party from denying or alleging a certain fact owing to that party’s previous conduct, allegation, or denial.

Our organization advocates for and educates about Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender (LGBT) employees; past and present and military, civil servant, and aligned corporations of the United States Department of Defense (DOD). Since this represents the largest workforce in the nation then it is easily concluded to be the largest LGBT population within our great nation. On this basis one would think that this is the place most likely to recognize our legal class as an affinity/special emphasis group. After all this is the largest LGBT workforce. Sadly the opposite is true and in fact this is the most repressive national employer toward LGBT people.


Ms. Lisa Kove

Executive Director


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