The Salvation Army aims for “doing the most good,” but gays and lesbians don’t agree and are calling for a boycott of the charity on account of the organization’s stance on gay and lesbian relationships says MSNBC, USA Today, and others are reporting.
The boycott was spurred in part by Bil Browning, editor in chief at The Bilerico Project. “If you care about gay rights, you’ll skip their bucket in favor of a charity that doesn’t actively discriminate against the LGBT community,” he said.
Browning added, “The Salvation Army doesn’t believe that gays and lesbians should ever know the intimacy of any loving relationship.”
The Salvation Army says its beliefs stem from theology, according to reports at Christian Today.
“The Salvation Army and the gay community are never going to come to an agreement on the topic,” said Maj. George Hood, national community relations secretary for the Salvation Army told Christian Today.
Hood added that the loss of income from the boycott was “unfortunate” since many less fortunate including those in the lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender community will lose out this holiday. “If people refuse to give, it’s the poor and people in need that will suffer,” he said.
But Lt. Col. Ralph Bukiewicz, divisional commander of The Salvation Army Metropolitan Division, insisted the organization is not discriminatory. “In our policies, in our practices, in our programs and in our eligibility for any service within The Salvation Army, there is not a request for any details concerning sexual orientation,” he said.
The Facebook page, “Boycott the Salvation Army” has nearly 3,400 likes as of publish date and time.
The “theology” they claim is WRONG and EVIL.
George Hood says that LGBT people will miss out because of the boycott. This is not the case, by giving your donation to a charity that does not discriminate instead of the “Salvation” Army the only thing that LGBT people miss out on is bigotry.