One year from the election and less than two months from the first votes cast to start determining the Republican nominee for president, more than 400 grass roots activists of San Diego Republicans, the local area’s official GOP presence, gathered Monday night to hear from representatives of all the presidential campaigns and participate in a straw poll.
“I was very impressed with the attendance and the quality and passion of the local representatives for the respective candidates,” said Chairman Tony Krvaric. “We congratulate the supporters of Ron Paul for their hard work.”
Official results (367 ballots cast):
Ron Paul 30.5% (112)
Newt Gingrich 22.6% (83)
Mitt Romney 17.4% (64)
Herman Cain 16.1% (59)
Rick Perry 5.7% (21)
Gary Johnson 3.5% (13)
Jon Huntsman 2.2% (8)
Michele Bachmann 2.0% (7)
Rick Santorum 0% (0)
“While there were clearly differing opinions (about) who the party’s standard-bearer should be, everyone agreed to unite behind the eventual nominee because America as we know it will not survive another four years of Barack Obama,” Krvaric concluded.
Ron Paul is going to pull an upset in Iowa, though now it’s less of an upset with him actually high in the polls. I’ve been saying it for a while now and this will definitely shake things up in the race. Even when you don’t agree with him, at least you know you’re getting what he really believes and not just talking points.
Ron Paul is for equal rights and individual liberties for all, regardless of race, income, party, religion, or sexual orientation. That is why he is so insanely popular. Spread his message, read him on all the issues at http://www.ronpaul2012.com
I’m voting for Ron Paul even if I have to write him in. My state requires me to register my PARTY a month before I vote in the primary and voting in the PRIMARY/CAUCUS is extremely important. If anyone wants to register to vote in their state’s primary/caucus (which allows you to vote in the general election as well) or change their party membership to Republican (which you must do), just go to: ( rockthevote.com/rtv_voter_registration.html ) If you aren’t registered as a Republican in some states then you won’t be able to vote for Ron Paul. Just use the link to register to change your party if you have to or even to register to vote for the first time and get it over with so you don’t miss your state’s deadline.
I’ve made a promise to vote for Ron Paul and no one else. Then I went one step further and put my promise online for the whole world to see. Do you support Ron Paul? Will you be voting for him? Make yourself counted! Log on to http://RonPaulPromise.com and sign the statement of support. Let your weight to the growing avalanche that is Ron Paul. Remember to spread the word!