A Tennessee woman is asking her state to comply with federal recognition that establishes her gender as female. The state of Tennessee has refused to acknowledge Andrea Jones’ gender reassignment after her local DMV office labeled her a male on her driver’s license, despite her female recognition by the Social Security office.
In a protest to the state’s decision to label her a male, the woman exited the state building and removed her shirt, revealing her breasts. She was arrested shortly thereafter on account of indecent exposure. Jones argued that if she was indeed a male, taking her shirt off in public would serve no cause for arrest in the state of Tennessee.
Jones says she carries around a “statement from a surgeon saying [she] no longer [had testicles],” but the Department of Safety says this is not enough to prove she is a female.
“It’s not right for the state to ask me to be both male and female,” Jones told local TV station ABC WATE 6. “A choice needs to be made. They cannot hold me to both standards.”
For now, Jones is a female federally, and a male at the state level.
Tennessee’s Department of Safety said they would consider the gender change “if an applicant presents a doctor’s statement indicating that a full sex change has occurred and the procedure is complete.”
It is really simple….if you have a penis, you are sell a male. This is the sort of silliness that the transgender movement has wrought. Now, some states allow a person to change the indicator on their license before surgery to make it easier for TRANSSEXUALS to complete the Real Life Test. This has been abused by transgender people who have no intention of pursuing surgery, which increase the likelihood that more conservative states will continue to deny this. Then she have someone pull a stunt like this. If you want to play dress-up, and have no intentions of having surgery, then be proud of what you are, and stop trying to co-opt womanhood, or manhood if you are FTM. Be proud to be a “gender rebel,’ but stop trying to claim to be something you are not, and never will be. And let those of us who really are transsexuals be. Being castrated does not make you a woman. It makes you a eunuch, which is, by definition, still a male.
What an ignorant and intolerant comment. What you said is no better than someone saying that a person who has undergone srs is still their gender assigned at birth because their DNA says otherwise. Just because it may have been critical to your gender identity to have bottom surgery it dosn’t mean that every trans person has to conform to your standards.
Gender is not in your parts but what’s in your heart. It’s sad to see fellow transgender people discriminating against their brothers and sisters
Not at all. First off, I am a post-op woman of transsexual history, so your comment is the one that is ignorant. Second, a driver’s license does not indicate “gender,” it indicates SEX, which is about parts. Gender is not assigned at birth, sex is. All of these attempts by the transgender extremists to confuse gender and sex are what is lame and intolerant. And no, gender is not “what is in your heart.” It is how your brain is hard-wired. You may change your gender expression…you may well be a man who enjoys dressing as a woman, but if your brain is not female, and if you are all that attached to your penis, it clearly isn’t, you will never really be anything other than a crossdresser, and that does not remotely make one a woman.
And let me make this perfectly clear to you…I am not now, nor have I ever been, a “transgender person.” Got that? Imposing that label is what is truly intolerant. I was born male, was a transsexual, and I am now a woman. Period, end of discussion.
Oh, and let me be clear, I don’t care what a “trans person” does…but if someone claims to be a woman, and they belong to the “they will take my penis when they pry my cold dead fingers from it,” then no, they are not now, and never will be a woman, or female. They may well be a “trans person,” or any other label they wish to adopt, but they will never ben anything other than a man.
Seriously? Not all of us can afford such expensive surgery due to employment, family law obligations, lack of said procedure being included in employment medical plan. I have been full-time since 2006 with my driver license stating female. I attended beauty school with a girl born without a uterus. Does that maker her a man? Oh, and btw Just Jennifer the non GLBT folks don’t see you as a female either. So please, get off your ignorant high horse.
robyn what makes the person to whom you referred a woman is simple xx biology so yes she is a woman. xy is male. i agree with Jennifer if you have the anatomy you were born with that is your sex. you may allude to being a different gender than your xx or xy dictates but biologically speaking you are the sex you were born. sex does not equal gender.