DOMA, Kim Kardashian, Britney Spears and LGBT equality

San Diego gay news
San Diego gay news
Britney Spears

Well it has happened again. Another starlet, I use that term loosely, has filed for divorce from her husband after a 72-day marriage. In 2004, pop starlet Britney Spears married in Las Vegas and filed for divorce 55 hours later. Later that year, Spears married Kevin Federline which also ended in divorce.

Why does this matter? First, the Republican field of presidential candidates has expressed their support for the Defense of Marriage Act; all do not believe in marriage equality for gay and lesbian Americans. President Obama has infamously stated that his position is evolving and most notably has said that he thinks DOMA is unconstitutional.

Where is the indignant outrage from the Republican presidential candidates that Kim Kardashian has made a mockery of marriage? Where is our community’s outrage? Kardashian can have a wedding that looks like an $18 million publicity stunt, but gay and lesbian couples who have been together for decades cannot walk down the aisle.

Should we be indignant? Absolutely. The utter hypocrisy of many leaders in the broader political community concerning marriage equality has reached epic proportions. Politicians can have two, three, even four marriages, but they are worried about the sanctity of the institution because gays and lesbians want to do the same?

Congressional lawmakers will begin the process to attempt to repeal DOMA this month, largely led by the Democrats. The federal government cannot recognize our relationships because DOMA prevents it. Of course, Kim Kardashian’s relationship was recognized by the federal government for 72 days and she was entitled to all the benefits that come with that recognition.

More than likely, gays and lesbians will also have 72-day marriages. That is what we are fighting for, the ability to be just like everyone else. We have never postulated that our relationships are any different than the broader community’s; it is right wing political leaders that have made that claim.

Kim Kardashian is a supporter of same-sex marriage, perhaps she can join San Diego LGBT Weekly in asking everyone to give $72 in her honor to organizations fighting for same-sex marriage equality. Kim, imagine what great good you could do by asking your fans to join you and help end marriage discrimination?

I am sure many of us know a few people we could marry for 72 days.

Stampp Corbin, Publisher

San Diego LGBT Weekly

One thought on “DOMA, Kim Kardashian, Britney Spears and LGBT equality

  1. I honestly could not agree more with this. Something important to remember is Bill Clinton signed DOMA into US law and then had an affair. If that’s not hypocrisy I don’t know what is.

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