Now that my doctor has grounded me from out-of-state traveling for two months, I’ll be able to attend more local events.
Dear Sean Sala …
I found Sean Sala’s recent, lengthy commentary on a local LGBT Web site to be well written but also full of inaccuracies. In my opinion, both Sean Sala and Ben Cartwright should have stated up front in their commentaries that they are, or have been, on Johnathan Hale’s payroll. Both Sala and Cartwright are active supporters of and volunteers for Carl DeMaio’s campaign. I disagree with both Sala and Cartwright, but I do very much respect these young, dedicated activists and believe they both have bright futures ahead of them.
But now to clarify some of Sean Sala’s false statements and accusations: I am not, and never have been, Stampp Corbin’s “mentor.” Stampp was the national co-chair of the LGBT Leadership Council for the 2008 Obama Presidential Campaign. He remains a nationally respected LGBT activist, hardly in need of any mentoring from me. It is Carl DeMaio who has many times, publicly called me not only his gay “mentor” but his “mother.”
It is also public knowledge that I once was very close to Carl, and that I advised him. In fact, I introduced Carl to Stepping Stone, Townspeople and other important points of light within San Diego’s civic, social and volunteer service organizations. Unfortunately, Carl got such a bad welcome from our community at one point, that he wanted to withdraw and have nothing to do with it. I had to talk him out of withdrawing many times.
Neither San Diego LGBT Weekly nor I are smearing Carl or Johnathan. Sala did not cite one example to back up the “smear-campaign” charge. I challenge anyone to point to a single example of untrue reporting about Carl that has appeared in the San Diego LGBT Weekly. In fact, you won’t even find a single accusation (unless pointing out a politician’s endorsement is the same thing as smearing them) in Corbin’s recent publisher’s message (“Strange bedfellows,” Issue 49, page 5) about Carl’s endorsement by Larry Stirling and Roger Hedgecock.
In fact, I have a recording of a message Johnathan Hale left on my answering machine threatening to smear me with an article on his Web site in which he said he would accuse me of being a child molester … I have made copies of Hale’s verbal rampage including one that is safely stored with my attorney.
When Hale launched his Web site in 2009, he stated that it would “seek to change the tone and tenor of the dialogue on issues important to our community.” Then he proceeded to attack the Gay & Lesbian Times, me, other activists and now the San Diego LGBT Weekly. Sean, can you spell hypocrite? I guess Hale only wants to change the tone if you support his and Carl’s agenda. Both Carl DeMaio and Johnathan Hale told me and many others that they were going to destroy Gay & Lesbian Times publisher Michael Portantino and run him out of town. They then proceeded to attack and smear Portantino and yes contributed to Michael’s depressed state of mind that led to his suicide. It is Johnathan Hale who is telling people who will be welcomed in a supposed “DeMaio City Hall” … his own Nixon’s enemies list as it were. Just ask around town how many people have been told, “you will not be welcome in City Hall when Carl is mayor.” Sean; I have never been a member of any labor union organization. If I were or had ever been, I’d proudly say so. I proudly support equal pay for women and fight for the dignity and fair treatment of working families. Yes, I worked with the late Cesar Chavez to help the discriminated and badly treated farm workers. Nevertheless, I’ve never been a union member.
You say “well known” LGBT leaders and activists have endorsed DeMaio, please name names, because most have endorsed either Dumanis or Filner … and for the record, I have not officially endorsed any candidate.

In fact, I have written about my opposition on Bonnie Dumanis’ stand on the death penalty, her support of the commemorative statue of former Mayor Pete Wilson in downtown San Diego; and I am not happy with her hiring anti-gay Ron Nehring as one of her campaign consultants.
Sean, I have served the last five mayors of San Diego and have been writing about political races and candidates since the 1970s. My disagreement with Carl DeMaio is about my opinions. I stand in principled opposition to many of his political stands. But when I express – however strongly – my opinions, that doesn’t mean I’m mounting a smear campaign against Carl.
There is not an “anti-gay within-gay atmosphere” in our community. There is, however, a substantial anti-Carl DeMaio atmosphere. It is because of your continuing commentaries full of false statements that I am reconsidering an offer by a mainstream media outlet to write a cover story entitled “The Carl DeMaio I Know” to finally set the record straight. Sean you have a lot to learn but sadly you have indeed “drunk the Kool-Aid.” Let us agree to disagree about this campaign … but I do wish you the best.
Gay Democrats endorse Filner,
Gay Republicans endorse Fletcher
Endorsements of candidates for public office should be based upon their qualifications, record and platforms … not their sexual orientation. For the last three decades, this is what our community has worked for when it comes to our GLBT candidates … and it should work both ways. I salute both the Log Cabin Republicans and San Diego Democrats for Equality … because no matter if you agree with their endorsements for mayor or not, they both endorsed candidates they believed would make the best mayor and treated the straight candidates just like we would like our gay candidates treated by the straight community. Congressman Bob Filner has been an advocate for gay civil rights since his school board days in the 1970s. He has become a front runner in the latest polls. This past Monday I had a lengthy conversation with Filner’s campaign manager, Edward Clancy, who is impressive and experienced in his own right. Clancy is putting together a solid Filner campaign. I’ve always said to keep your eyes on state Assemblyman Nathan Fletcher … who I call the “Gavin Newsom of the South” and who reminds me of Robert Redford in the movie The Candidate … this election is a long way off and we all know that things will change monthly in this mayoral race.
LGBT Veterans Wall of Honor dedication: Nov. 10
The entire community is invited to the dedication ceremony of one of our nation’s first “LGBT Veterans Wall of Honor” set for Thursday, Nov. 10 at the San Diego LGBT Community Center. The official name of the wall in The Center’s auditorium will be “The Benjamin F. Dillingham III and Bridget Wilson LGBT Veterans Wall of Honor of San Diego County” named after two outstanding and dedicated community leaders, veterans and advocates for LGBT veterans and active military. American Veterans for Equal Rights San Diego chapter president, Ben Gomez, is the chair of a committee of veterans who will oversee the selection process to determine the first set of San Diego veteran’s names to be inscribed on this honorable wall. Hope to see you all at The Center, November 10 at 6 p.m. … for those wanting to make a donation for the cost and dedication of this wall, phone 619-692-1967 for more information.
Nicole Murray Ramirez has been an award-winning columnist since 1973, and a Latino and gay activist for well over 40 years. He is currently a city commissioner and has served the last five mayors of San Diego. He is also a national board member of the Harvey Milk Foundation and chairman of the International Court Council of the USA, Canada and Mexico.
Mr. Demaio can hide behind his 4000 endorsements all he wants. Candidates typically ask for potentially damaging endorsements to be removed, whether based on reform or social policy matters. Any candidate will take all the votes they can get, but to accept an endorsement from known individuals who do not accept or condone your lifestyle/community is dishoveling. If the LGBT Center was given a gift from say, oh, the Chic Fil A Foundation my hunch is the gift would be returned with a “thanks, but no thanks”.
Last time I checked, there are 2 staff members from the GLT that work for LGBT Weekly (3 if you count Nicole) but that figure still doesn’t come close to the figures of “majority of the staff” and none of those individuals have editorial control.
Every LGBT publication in town has staff members from the former GLT, including (Publisher and columnists). It appears as if the Publisher of would have editorial control over his own publication. I find it more ironic that said publication found a staff writer to support Mr. Demaio lol. Do you think any writer at would be allowed cyberspace on their website that did not lend favor to Mr. Demaio? Doubtful.
What I find most of a joke is accusing LGBT Weekly of “eating their own” when there is clearly another LGBT candidate in the race and she doesn’t appear to be under fire? How can they explain that? Perhaps because, while openly Republican, she is a nice woman who knows how to keep her cool in public.
I won’t even comment on’s column and their quote about Hale shoving out Portantino and the GLT- because well, that is just too messy to even touch. That’s all.
Brents comment is SPOT ON.. brilliant!
Spot on about Carl, I am so sick of “certain” people doing everything they can to defend and protect this man. As a gay man who is very invloved in San Diego politics and our community, he does not speak for me, he does not represent the LGBT community I know and love. The Truth will come out, and I am certain the the community will support the other candidates. I think the gay republicans endorsing Fletcher speaks volumes!