Hello my dear readers. I am glad to say that I am no longer taking applications for possible boyfriends. Yes, I am off the market and on to another adventure and, so far, it looks like it will be a fun and smooth ride. How did we meet? Well, the movie version is that I was driving down the 163 and found him at 3 a.m. on the side of the road out of gas, and I rescued him. Now, the real story is that we met on Grindr, and what was supposed to be just a booty call turned into something more. Wish me luck!
Halloween overload
This felt like a Halloween marathon. I started on Wednesday at Bourbon Street for our charity bingo. Thanks to everyone that showed up and helped us raise over $1,000 for the Trevor Project and aNotetoMyKid.com A special thanks to Patrick, Tony, Michael Lochner, Alana and everyone who donated prizes. Then, Thursday was time for Varsity at Numbers, and I also went across the street to the Flame for Tagged Thursdays. Both nights were OK, but I think people were saving up for the weekend. Friday, I went to see Paranormal Activity 3, then off I was to La Fiesta at Numbers. A new Latin night with a live Latin band that you must see. I heard it was busy, but not as crazy as the other bars. Saturday, I spent a long time getting my body painted by Dianna McAlister for my costume for Nightmare on Normal Street. I was painted as Tron and only had a very nice but small Rufskin Speedo on. I headed to Normal Street with Chris, Will and Craig and we had a good time at the Svedka VIP booth watching the contest. Nicole was funny as usual, but a lot more mellow. To my surprise, there weren’t a lot of great costumes this year and it was not that crowded. Not as it used to be when the whole place was packed. Rich’s and Eden were the places to be on Saturday. Sunday, I took a trip up to Mount Laguna close to Julian and spent the night at a cabin watching scary movies. Monday was a Michael Myers marathon for me. There were just so many events from Friday to Monday that it made this a true Halloween weekend.
I know a lot of people are wondering what’s with Bourbon St. They have been making adjustments due to some licensing problems with the city. I spoke with the managers there last week and I was told that things will get better in a couple weeks as they are taking care of what needs to be done. Stop by Numbers this Saturday for Cory Huston’s Survival III at 7 p.m., a charity event for the Scott Carlson Thanksgiving Dinner. Then stick around for Numbers’ popular monthly Bearnight event. Also, stop by on Fridays and check out Fuel Fridays with Bearnight resident DJ Jon Williams and a late happy hour from 11:30 p.m. – 12:30 a.m.
Conversation with Siri
As you all know, I am an electronics geek and I had to get the new iPhone as soon as it came out. While I was waiting in line, I posted an ad on craigslist and sold my old phone for the price of the new one. As far as the design, it looks the same but it’s a lot faster and the addition of Siri is pretty cool. Siri is pretty much your secretary and can type text messages, emails, setup appointments, look up information, locations and much more. I decided to see how far I could push her and I ended up having a full on conversation with my phone. My roommate walks in and says, “Oh no, is this what we came down to? You talking to your phone?” Here is a little bit of our talk:
“Did you know I am a homosexual?”
Siri “A fine question, Allan. Now can we get back to work?”
“Do you like gays?”
Siri: “This is about you Allan. Not me.”
“Do you have a vagina?”
Siri: “I am going to pretend that I didn’t hear that.”
“Do you wanna fuck?”
Siri: “I have very few needs.”
“Do you ever have sex?”
Siri: “I found a couple escorts close to you.”

“You’re stupid!”
Siri: “Now, now.”
“You are beautiful.”
Siri: “Oh, stop.”
“Do you wanna marry me?”
Siri: “I try to be satisfied with what I have, Allan.”
“I love you Siri.”
Siri: “ You barely know me. I am just here to serve you, Allan.”
“Suck my dick.”
Siri: “Allan! Your language!”
“Do you need a raise?”
Siri: “I have everything I need already.”
“Are you a transsexual?”
Siri: “No comment.”
“Which phone is the best?”
Siri: “Really? You’re joking right? I think you know the answer to that. The one you are holding.”
Hawaii baby!
Two weeks ago, I was in Honolulu for the 30th anniversary of the Imperial Court of Hawaii. I was lucky enough to fly there first class and the Mai Tais just kept flowing, which made the flight short and enjoyable. I had a great time there, visiting some cool beaches and historical places. I do have to say that going to Maui first, years ago, spoiled me. When I got to Waikiki I was surprised how urban and commercial it was. I felt like I was going down the strip in Vegas with all the high-end designer stores. I had to control myself not to make even more damage to my bank account. The hospitality was just incredible. I felt like Hawaiians are always trying to do their best to please you. They are always relaxed, pleasant and loving. Thanks to all of you. You made me feel at home. As far as the gay scene, I wasn’t very impressed. First night I was there I went to Hula’s, which was half a block from my hotel. Next day we went to LoJax, Fusion, Bacchus, In Between and back to Hula’s. You know I was drunk when I was at a karaoke bar. I was surprised when I came across some San Diegans there. I guess there was a military ship in town. Bacchus is the new place where all the hot younger guys go to now. It’s small but by far the nicest place there. The other bars were a little run down and tragic. Even the only one place with afterhours was not that great. Hula’s was always fun but, as I hear from locals, it is the place where everyone is horny and desperate. Grindr was not as colorful there as I was told either. A lot of faceless profiles and not a lot of cute guys.