A lesbian couple in California has started hormone therapy for their 11-year-old son Tommy after he said he wanted to be a girl named Tammy.
Pauline Moreno and Debra Lobel decided to allow the hormone-blocking treatments so the child could make an informed decision about his gender expression at a later age.
Many transgender rights advocates have praised the parents for being accepting, but critics have not been so kind. “This is child abuse. It’s like performing liposuction on an anorexic child,” Dr. Paul McHugh, professor of psychiatry at Johns Hopkins University, told FOX News.
The two mothers explained that their son Thomas had been exhibiting signs of wanting to be a girl since birth. Due to a speech impediment, the toddler learned sign language and had insisted on the female sign to identify himself.
“It was odd to us,” Moreno told CNN. “Even though she has lesbians as parents, this is all new to us in every possible way. We know what it’s like to feel different – we’ve got that one. But to feel like you’re not in the right body was just something we could not put our heads around.”
The couple’s son is being treated at a Bay Area hospital where he will undergo a specialty program designed for transgender kids.
This is an LGBT weekly, right? Why are you misgendering the child in this story, and why are you quoting, of all people, Paul McHugh, the consultant who urged the Catholic Church not to refer pedophiles for prosecution. Is Paul McHugh involved in Tammy’s treatment? Why do you call a support program “undergoing” a specialty treatment? Did you just re-post this story from Fox News?
Paul McHugh is a misognystic, transphobic, ideologue and shill for the Catholic Church. He was the Vatican advisor on sexual matters and he is partly to blame for their archaic, uniformed position on transsexuality. In addition to protecting pedophilic priest, he also has flip-flopped positions when convenient on the validity of repressed memories. How he ever managed to compare hormone blocking with “performing liposuction on an anorexic child” is way beyond me. But then, he is more-or-less crazy with delusions of grandeur and inflated images of self-worth.
I am so glad that hormone blocking has become available as it will save so many transsexual children from growing up with the somatype that will make transitioning and acceptance very difficult. And, they will have some memories of childhood that are appropriate for their sex. I wish that it had been available when I was a child.
transgender DAUGHTER D A U G H T E R
He has an XY chromosome configuration. Say it with me now. Son. SON. S O N.
No amount of drugs, hormones, and surgery will change that very basic biological FACT.
The kid isn’t even old enough to know what sex is, let alone know what gender roles are.
And not to play on the irony but you’re both assuming and projecting his gender.
Sick!!!!!! This child isn’t even old enough to rationalize daily decisions, and you Dick people are attempting this? Should be charged with child abuse.
This isn’t surgical transitioning, this is social transitioning with puberty blockers. It is completely and entirely reversible. Transgenderism is a medical condition transitioning is its treatment. Under the age of 18, since being under that you cannot give consent, social transitioning and puberty blockers are all that is allowed. This isn’t abuse, nothing here is permanent.