To save energy and money on your utility bills, there are many things you can do to your home. Listed below are a few good suggestions to consider.
Install insulation
There are many areas in your home where you can install insulation. The most common areas are in the attic, walls and in the sub area of your home. It is also recommended to put an insulation blanket around your water heater. This is a relatively easy and inexpensive way to save energy and money on your utility bills, while making your home more comfortable.
Replace light bulbs
If you have not already done so, you need to replace all your old light bulbs with the new energy efficient compact fluorescent bulbs. This will significantly reduce energy use for all of your lighting needs. Lighting accounts for about 20 percent of the average home’s electricity bill. Compact fluorescent lights (CFLs) provide the same amount of light as standard incandescent bulbs, but use up to 75 percent less energy.
Use water efficiently
By installing low flow shower heads and toilets in your bathrooms, you can significantly save water. It is also recommended to have a timer on your outdoor sprinkler system and set each station for just a few minutes. That way you will never overwater. You should also follow the guidelines from your water department on what days and times to water.
Use less air conditioning
Try to use less air conditioning in the summer months. When you do use it, it is recommended that you set your thermostat at 78 degrees or higher. A setting of 78 instead of 72 can save up to 12 percent on your cooling costs. Also, consider purchasing a programmable thermostat that will automatically regulate temperature settings to fit your schedule. You can also use portable and ceiling fans in place of central air conditioning. Fans cost about three cents an hour versus up to $1.68 for central air conditioning, depending on the size of the unit. There is no need to cool an entire home when you are only using one or two rooms.
If you have traditional landscaping with a lawn, you should consider removing the lawn and relandscaping with plants that need significantly less water. There are many beautiful drought resistant plants that can make your yard look attractive. If you have your heart set on a lawn, you can consider one of the many artificial lawns that are available today, which can look great.
Turn off appliances
When not in use, turn off or unplug home appliances like computers, DVD players, coffee makers and phone chargers instead of leaving them in sleep or stand-by mode. Also, plug electronic equipment into a power-strip and turn off the power strip when you’re done using the equipment. You can also replace older, inefficient battery chargers with newer, energy- saving models.
Additional energy saving recommendations
• Always have full loads when washing clothes and dishes.
• Fix leaky faucets.
• Get a spa cover.
• Use window blinds and curtains to keep out cold and heat.
• Plant a tree or two on the sides of your home that get direct sun.
• Replace your current windows with duel pane windows.
• Consider a tankless water heater.
• Install solar panels to capture energy from the sun to power your home.
Although solar systems are expensive to install, they pay for themselves over time and there are rebates available that greatly reduce the cost.
The points I’ve listed are just some of the things you can do to make your home more energy efficient. Google “energy savings tips” for more.
Keep in mind there are many rebate programs available for energy saving upgrades. Check with the sales person when you are purchasing any new appliances or doing other energy saving upgrades.
Trent St. Louis is a licensed Real Estate Agent
and a member of the National, California and
San Diego Association of Realtors. You can reach Trent at trent@tns.net or at his office in Hillcrest, The Metropolitan Group. DRE#01273643.