San Diego’s Crafts Revolution
Mingei International Museum will open an original exhibition that documents an overlooked chapter of San Diego’s recent past, Oct. 16. San Diego’s Craft Revolution – From Post-War Modern to California Design will reveal the important contribution of San Diego craftsmen to the post-war Southern California art scene. Over 60 artists will be featured in the show. Many of these San Diego-based artists received national attention and participated in major Los Angeles exhibitions, including the California Design series held in Pasadena and Los Angeles. For more information go to mingei.org.
Tom Spanbauer and Friends Reading
Acclaimed author Tom Spanbauer returns to San Diego Oct. 14-16 to conduct Dangerous Writing II the follow up workshop to Dangerous Writing I. Once again Spanbauer is joined by his workshop and life partner, the writer Sage Ricci. Together the two will guide ten local writers as they continue to develop their novels, memoirs and short stories.
Although the workshop is almost full and only open to those who participated in the Dangerous Writing I workshop, San Diego Writers, Ink will present Tom Spanbauer and Friends, a reading event that is open to members and non-members alike Saturday, Oct. 15 beginning at 7 p.m. Spanbauer will read from his new novel and he will be joined by Sage Ricci and three San Diego writers who will read from work they created in the first Dangerous Writing workshop.
San Diego Writers, Ink is located at 710 13th St., Studio 210, San Diego 92101. Go to sandiegowriters.org for details. $5 suggested donation.