The 4th annual Pride at the Beach – or Pride @ the beach, as organizers have branded the event – will take place in Oceanside, Oct. 8. The North County LGBTQ Resource Center will be hosting this year’s event, and is hoping for its largest turnout since the event’s inception in 2008. Max Disposti, founder and executive director for The North County LGBTQ Resource Center is pleased to see how much this event has grown during the past four years. With around 600 participants in its first year, this year the event is expecting close to 5,000 people. While Pride @ the beach welcomes everyone, Disposti has said that the Centers’ main audience is the youth of North County. “This event gives them the courage to be who they are; it empowers them with the understanding that being LGBT in North County is not only possible but it can change other people’s lives as well.”
The North County LGBTQ Resource Center (formerly North County LGBT Coalition) was started in 2008 by volunteers in North County who saw the lack of resources for the LGBT community in the area. While at the time, there were many independent organizations concerned with issues affecting the LGBT community, many saw the need for one large entity to help pull them all together.
Tina Leight-Roades, Pride executive member with the North County LGBTQ Resource Center said, “North County is one of the most conservative areas in San Diego County. With the proximity to Camp Pendleton, North County has been much more ‘closeted.’ Many years ago, Oceanside had a gay bar and San Marcos had a satellite center of the San Diego LGBT Center. After those businesses folded and weren’t able to find roots, North County went back in the closet with only a few grassroots organizations (like LINC – Lesbians in North County) remaining. As things are changing at the state and federal level, North County has been slowly gaining its presence once again. With the help of groups like North County LGBTQ Resource Center, LINC, and Vista Community Clinic as well as several of our faith-based organizations, North County is regaining its voice.”
The North County LGBTQ Resource Center has been highly supported by the community. Due to support from its fans, other organizations like The Center in San Diego and successful fundraising The Resource Center is set to open its first physical location very soon in Oceanside.
“We still have a long way to go, but by working with city officials, police, etc, we have been reaching out to open dialogues and even train within government and schools. Things are changing. Also, by working with our local college and high school gay straight alliances, we are supporting them in continuing the growth and acceptance. Our youth are our future,” added Leight-Roades.
During this years Pride @ the beach The Resource Center will be honoring the youth of North County with their gay/straight alliance awards. Every high school and college in North County with a gay/straight alliance is invited to be honored for their continued commitment to improving their schools, by making them safer and more welcoming to LGBTQ youth and straight allies. Proceeds from Pride @ the beach are donated to these clubs to help its members continue their efforts throughout the year.
Entertainment for this years event will feature emcee and DJ Laura Jane, performances by the San Diego Women’s Chorus, the Rompe Corazones, Tronada Dee, Street Spirit, Joshua Napier, the San Diego Gay Men’s Chorus, Diversity Arts and special guest speaker Toni Atkins. There will also be a wide variety of information booths, vendors and food.
While this years event focuses on just one day out of the year, organizers want people to remember that pride is something that should always be celebrated.
“Pride is being proud of who you are, what you are, where you are and those around you. We have come a long way in such a short time. We are standing up for ourselves and the generations to come. Pride @ the beach is a place to celebrate all those things. It’s about coming together for that day and being ourselves in a safe place. Pride @ the beach is just one day out of 365 to show our pride,” said Leight-Roades.