UNITED KINGDOM – The UK Department of Health has announced that the lifetime ban on blood donations by men who have had sex with men is to be lifted following an evidence-based review by the Advisory Committee on the Safety of Blood, Tissues and Organs.
The recommendation, which has been accepted by the health ministers in England, Scotland and Wales, means men whose last sexual contact with another man was more than 12 months ago will be able to donate, if they meet the other donor selection criteria. Men who have had anal or oral sex with another man in the past 12 months, with or without a condom, will still not be eligible to donate blood.
The change will come into effect in England, Scotland and Wales on Nov. 7.
The Advisory Committee, comprised of leading experts in the field, joined by patient groups and key stakeholders, carried out a rigorous review of the latest available evidence including the risk of infection being transmitted in blood, attitudes to compliance with the donor selection criteria and improvements in testing of donated blood.
The Committee found the evidence no longer supported the permanent exclusion of men who have had sex with men.
Public Health Minister Anne Milton said, “Blood donations are a lifeline, and many of us would not have loved ones with us today if it was not for the selfless act of others.
“Our blood service is carefully managed to maintain a safe and sufficient supply of blood for transfusions. Appropriate checks based on robust science must be in place to maintain this safety record and the Committee’s recommendation reflects this. It is important that people comply with all donor selection criteria, which are in place to protect the health of both donors and transfusion recipients.”
HIV charities in the UK have generally welcomed the announcement.