The official repeal of the military’s discriminatory ‘Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell’ policy is a few short weeks away, but Republican Duncan Hunter (R-CA) is on a mission to halt its efforts. In past attempts, Hunter has said the military “isn’t the YMCA” and has also insisted that homophobia should be a defendable right for servicemembers.
Now, Hunter’s latest efforts include the ‘Don’t Pressure Me!’ bill which aims to invariably amend the repeal of DADT through its own legal language:
To amend Public Law 111-321 (Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell Repeal Act of 2010) to require that… members of the Armed Forces are not pressured to approve of another person’s sexual conduct if that sexual conduct is contrary to the personal principles of the members.
The law, in other words, propels the agenda for homophobia. As ThinkProgress puts it, “such a policy would negatively impact unit cohesion, making it difficult for commanding officers to resolve disputes and putting LGBT servicemembers at greater risk for abuse and discrimination. It’s unclear how a policy of ‘not pressuring’ would even be enforced.”
Such a law would inevitably be discriminatory against LGBT servicemembers if passed.