Kathy Griffin, an avid LGBT rights supporter and ally, has been vocal on her disapproval of Michele Bachmann, outspoken Republican presidential hopeful. But, recently the queen of comedy has laid targets on Marcus, husband to Michele.
As avidly conservative republicans, the Bachmann’s have been known as extremists against LGBT rights – in fact, even opening an institution to help pray away the gay, as Griffin put it. In other words, the Bachmann’s counseling clinic in Minnesota aims to help homosexual people oust the gay through prayer and other types of Christian counseling.
At last night’s Late Show with Craig Ferguson, Griffin laid into Bachmann, alluding to the possibility that he might be gay himself, after watching his videos on YouTube.
“The Bravo special was supposed to be called ‘Pray the Gay Back.’ You get the Marcus Bachmann joke? Marcus Bachmann is one of my new favorite targets, he’s Michele Bachmann’s husband. Okay, he’s very anti-gay and LGBT rights, and it’s odd, because if you look at him on YouTube, it’s almost as if he himself… or, it’s as if…” said Griffin.“I would say that Marcus Bachmann reminds me of a lot of the type of men who come sees my live shows.”