Well I’m off to Montana next week and then I’m out of town about every weekend ‘til Halloween!
400 attend the Nicky Awards
About 400 people attended the 36th annual Nicky Awards and it broke all records for any award show ever as it lasted for one hour and 45 minutes! Producers Lisa Sanders and Allan Spyere promised a quick paced show with four entertainers, and they delivered!
Police Chief William Lansdowne received the loudest and longest standing ovation of the night and Labor leader Lorena Gonzalez gave a rousing speech that was well received. Chief Lansdowne brought his lovely wife to the awards show and Lorena brought her 15-year-old daughter Tira who is the reigning Miss Teen California. (She was the “trophy girl” and an active Marine in dress blues was the “trophy boy.”)
Logo’s A-List star and major photographer Mike Ruiz flew in from New York for his Lifetime Achievement Award. Mike brought his sister and brother-in-law to the awards and, let me say, Mike was definitely the most photographed person of the evening and he was super friendly with everyone.
Young military veteran Sean Sala gave a very stirring speech and Tom Brown and Big Mike were also popular award honorees. CityBeat received the first annual Michael G. Portantino Media Award and all these top honorees richly deserved their special awards.
Presenting the top honors were State Assemblywoman Toni Atkins, District Attorney Bonnie Dumanis (a leading candidate for mayor) and School Board member Kevin Beiser.
Now for the entertainers … hum. JC Jones of Glee TV fame is handsome but this wasn’t his night and one song instead of three would have been more than enough! Grace Towers (America’s No. 1 Lady Gaga impersonator) tore up the stage with his outstanding dance troupe … great looking young women and men. World renowned entertainer Flava brought the house down just as he did in the movie Milk … yes, Flava was in this Oscar award winning movie and played disco legend Sylvester. Flava had a great part in the movie but they should not have cut the scene where actor Sean Penn kissed him!
The 2011 Nicky Awards will benefit Lambda Archives, The Center and the Imperial Court. It was good to see Stephen Whitburn (ACLU board of directors) voted “2011 Man of the Year” and he got a great reception from the crowd.
Long ago, I put the Nicky Awards in the hands of a “board of governors” who run it and it’s their ballgame and I think they did a good job. Word is that the fun 92103 Awards will be coming back in 2012! Also the Gay Latino Awards will be returning next year. Winners of the annual Nicky Awards are tallied from bar voting parties and Internet voting handled by The Center. Congratulations to all the winners.
2011 Nicky Award Winners
• Outstanding Community Organization: GSDBA
• Outstanding Community Event: CityFest
• Outstanding Community Activist: Will Kennedy
• Outstanding Youth (18 – 21): Sam Ramirez
• Outstanding Writer/Columnist: Margie Palmer
• Outstanding Friend of the Community: Cali Griebel
• Outstanding Women’s Night: Repent at Rich’s
• Outstanding Transgender Personality: Jamie, Urban Mo’s
• Outstanding Sports Organization: San Diego Flag Football League
• Outstanding Business: Babette Schwartz
• Outstanding Business Woman: Meaghan Yaple
• Outstanding Business Man: Bo Andras
• Outstanding New Business: Eden and Revivals
• Outstanding Bar Manager: Chuck Ferrante, Bourbon Street
• Outstanding Adult Business: Pleasures & Treasures
• Outstanding Bar Event: Church, Babycakes
• Outstanding Bar Owner: Dale Dubach, Chaz Weathers, Johnny Osgood, Martinis Above Fourth

• Outstanding Bartender, Female: Nicole Lewis
• Outstanding Bartender, Male: Terrance, R Gang Eatery, and Sean Walstead, The Hole
• Outstanding Publication: Gay San Diego
• Outstanding Night Club/Dance Bar: Rich’s
• Outstanding Neighborhood Bar: Pecs
• Outstanding online media: SDGLN
• Outstanding HIV/AIDS Service Provider: AVRC, UCSD
• Outstanding Levi/Leather Event: LL Bear Dance at Rich’s
• Outstanding University Heights/North Park Restaurant: Lei Lounge
• Outstanding DJ/VJ: DJ Marcel
• Outstanding Entertainer/Group: Aaron Turner and Tiffany Tanqueray
• Outstanding University Heights/North Park Bar: Bourbon Street
• Outstanding Bar Employee: Deb, Gossip Grill
• Outstanding Hillcrest Bar: Numbers
• Outstanding Waitperson, Female: Lynn Durica, R Gang Eatery
• Outstanding Waitperson, Male: Anthony, Lei Lounge
• Outstanding Impersonator: Daisy Torres and Glitz Glam
• Outstanding Levi/Leather Personality: Anthony Rollar
• Outstanding Community Volunteer: Tony, The Trevor Project
• Outstanding Female Personality: Sally Hall, thatssogaylive.com
• Outstanding Male Personality: Joe Phillips and Russ Edra
• Outstanding Hair Stylist: Daniel Ferreira, Integrite
• Outstanding Pharmacy: Hillcrest Pharmacy
• Outstanding Hillcrest Restaurant: Martinis Above Fourth
• Outstanding Title Holder: Kurt Wieneborg
• Outstanding Overall Bar: Urban Mo’s
• Outstanding Man of the Year: Stephen Whitburn
• Outstanding Woman of the Year: Lisa Kove
Nicole Murray Ramirez has been an award-winning columnist since 1973, and a Latino and gay activist for well over 40 years. He is currently a city commissioner and has served the last five mayors of San Diego. He is also a national board member of the Harvey Milk Foundation and chairman of the International Court Council of the USA, Canada and Mexico. Nicolemrsd@aol.com.