Australian prime minster meets marriage equality advocates for first time

AUSTRALIA – In an Australian first, marriage equality advocates have met the country’s prime minister, Julia Gillard, to put their case for reform.

Gillard has consistently made clear that she does not support the legalization of gay marriage, saying that she believes, “The Marriage Act is appropriate in its current form, that is recognizing that marriage is between a man and a woman.”

Recently at Parliament House the prime minister met a range of advocates for reform to hear their views and to answer their questions about her stated opposition to the issue.

Attending the meeting were former Australian Medical Association president, Kerryn Phelps and her wife, Jackie Stricker-Phelps, Parents and Friends of Lesbians and Gays (PFLAG) national spokesperson, Shelley Argent, Australian Marriage Equality (AME) campaign director, Rodney Croome, and same-sex mental health specialist, Paul Martin.

Professor Phelps and Mrs. Stricker-Phelps said they told the prime minister about the pain of not having their overseas marriage recognized in Australia and gave her letters written by their children about the need for equality.

Professor Phelps said, “I am very pleased we have opened a dialogue with the prime minister and hope to continue to talk to her about this issue”.

Croome emphasized the importance of marriage equality as a way of promoting inclusion and participation in family life and told the prime minister she has a historic opportunity to make Australia a more just and equitable nation.

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