The Indianapolis Star has reported that state Rep. Phillip Hinkle, who has been an opponent of same-sex marriage, responded to a local posting on Craigslist, offering a young man $80 plus tip to spend time with him on a Saturday night at a hotel.
The Craigslist ad stating “I need a sugga daddy” was posted at 7:37 a.m. on the Saturday. The ad showed two pictures of Kameryn Gibson, shirtless with pants pulled below the top of his underwear.
According to the Star, 47 minutes later he received a response from Hinkle, with the email signature “Sent from Phil’s iPad.”
“Cannot be a long time sugar daddy,” the email read, “but can for tonight. Would you be interested in keeping me company for a while tonight?”
The email offers, “To make it worth (your) while” in cash, and offers a personal description.
Gibson told the Star the pair met at the JW Marriott Hotel on Saturday evening but he wanted to leave when the older man revealed he was a state lawmaker.
The Indianapolis Star reports:
Emails shared with The Indianapolis Star suggest that state Rep. Phillip Hinkle — responding to a local posting on Craigslist — offered a young man $80 plus tip to spend time with him Saturday night at the JW Marriott hotel.
The emails, sent from Hinkle’s publicly listed personal address, ask the young man for “a couple hours of your time tonight” and offer him cash up front, with a tip of up to $50 or $60 “for a really good time.”
The email exchange is in response to the Craigslist posting in which the young man — who lists his age as 20 in the ad but says he is 18 years old — says, “I need a sugga daddy.”
The young man told The Star that they met, but that he tried to leave after the man told him he was a state lawmaker. He said the lawmaker at first told him he could not leave, grabbed him in the rear, exposed himself to the young man and then later gave him an iPad, BlackBerry cellphone and $100 cash to keep quiet.
A spokesman for Hinkle said, “Representative Hinkle is aware of the inquiries by the Indianapolis Star and we are investigating the matter at this time. We request that everyone respect the privacy of the family at this time.”
Despite the confession to have written the emails, Hinkle insists he is not gay.