FilmOut San Diego is now in full swing, so do take the time to support and enjoy our GLBT film festival: filmoutsandiego.com.
About valuing friendships
A long-time friend of mine is now very ill and might not make it. I’ve been to see him twice in the hospital and he is in a coma-like state. I may never be able to talk to him again.
He has been on my mind a lot and I feel like I could have had quality time with him these last months but always found myself too busy to take him up on his offer to have dinner or to spend time with him. I never called him but he would call me and sometimes we would talk. We were very close about 10 years ago but things changed and I would bump into him at times and would just smile and make small talk.
Why am I writing about this? Well, what I would now give to be able to talk to him and give him some of my time. I realize now that I wasn’t that good of a friend and was always too busy. I know that he would have loved to spend some time with me. I regret very much not valuing his friendship more and now it may be too late. He is now often in my mind and prayers.
Don’t let this happen to you. Take time for your friends and value them. Thanks for listening.
Support those restaurants that support your community
Recently, new restaurants have been popping up all over Hillcrest with almost half a dozen just this month. Many are hoping to cash in on the big GLBT population in Hillcrest who spend a lot, tip big and go out to eat much more often than straights.
These are very bad and difficult times for restaurants, but many of our gay-owned and straight allied owned restaurants and businesses continue to give back and support GLBT causes and social service agencies. We need to support them now more than ever, and I urge you to educate yourselves about what businesses give back to your community because many do not.
To me it’s really offensive when some businesses go out of their way to display rainbow flags and don’t give a dime back to the GLBT community. Support those who support you.

Nicky Awards this Sunday!
The 36th annual presentation of the Nicky Awards is this Sunday, Aug. 28 at The Center, 6 p.m. You are all invited for a fun and exciting celebration of pride and outstanding achievement in our community.
Our Police Chief Bill Lansdowne will be receiving the highest honor. So why not attend our community’s gay academy awards and see who takes home those gold Oscar-like trophies? For more info: 760-683-9319 or nickyawards.com.
The Help… a must see movie!
How great is the movie The Help? Well, when it ended in the theater I was in the entire crowd burst out in applause. Everyone should see this movie and it should sweep the Oscars. You’ll laugh, you’ll cry and, yes, you’ll cheer! This is one of the very best movies in the last decade. It will indeed become a classic like The Color Purple.
Congratulations to Bill and David
This weekend, one of our community’s most prominent couples, Bill Beck and David Huskey, will be celebrating 35 years of owning their successful business, Will Copy and Print.
Bill and David have been leaders in our community for decades and have raised more money for AIDS, GLBT organizations, civil rights causes, candidates, etc. than probably any couple in town. They have slowed down these past years to enjoy life more and focus on their business.
But both have left their mark on our community. When the history of San Diego’s GLBT community is written it will tell the story of Bill and David and how they made such a big difference. We all owe a lot to them and they have both earned their place in our community’s history as two caring and loving heroes and role models about what true leadership and activism is all about.
Congratulations Bill and David, and thank you for all you have done for us.