As I’ve said before, I just don’t know why they call these the “Golden Years” as they are really the “Bronze” or “Copper” years when it comes to ageing! The heat really gets us seniors, and my home at Shady Pines isn’t too cool – and now I’m off to the East Coast where it’s even hotter.
A White House briefing
Last Friday, I took part in an official White House briefing with the Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta and Presidential Chief Counsel Valerie Jarrett. Though these briefings are “off the record,” we were given a report on how the lifting of Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell will be implemented. Let me just say that the armed forces are ready and on Sept. 20 the ban will be history.
Well, I wish the ban was lifted immediately. I more than understand the need for the study and survey of our nation’s military personnel and families which was conducted. Top White House official Brian Bond played an important role in this historic change and served his LGBT community well.
Union Tribune Editorial Board to appoint LGBT member
As promised, I received a phone call from Union-Tribune Editor Blanca Gonzalez who informed me that a member of the LGBT community would soon be appointed to the UT’s new Community Editorial Board since its official announcement last week of 20 prominent San Diegans which did not include any LGBT citizens. I want to sincerely thank those of you who joined me in voicing your concerns, especially Dr. Delores Jacobs and Doug Case.
It is most important that LGBT representation is included, not only in county and city commissions and boards. Just recently one of San Diego’s biggest and most important foundations announced its new “community board” of over 100 civic leaders and not one LGBT person was appointed and announced. We must all keep an eye on such appointments as our LGBT community is what makes this city and county the great region it is.
Interesting one of the first gay demonstrations and pickets in San Diego was in 1974 in front of the Union-Tribune offices in Fashion Valley over their homophobic policies. (Jess Jessop, Don Johnson and I organized the picket.)
While, yes, things have changed at the Union-Tribune under its new ownership we must continue to keep our eyes on the biggest publication in the region.
Todd Gloria to run in 3rd District
Residents of the 3rd City Council District gave a big sigh of relief with the news that popular City Councilman Todd Gloria will indeed run for re-election and he has already received the endorsements of almost every major civic and community leader in San Diego! Todd Gloria is one of the very few elected city officials who is a born and raised San Diego native. Gloria, in fact, is a third generation home boy! One of our city’s most hard working public servants his average day sometimes amounts to over 18 hours of hard work. His first re-election fundraiser was a huge financial success and more are being planned.
Toni Atkins’ birthday bash

A great crowd showed up at the beautiful Bankers Hill home of City Commissioner Bruce Abrams for a birthday party in honor of Assemblywoman Toni Atkins. In lieu of gifts, the hosts requested a contribution for the Toni Atkins Lesbian Health Fund (established by The Center and the Imperial Court) which helps women in need.
Everything for the party was donated, so some good money was raised. A special thank you to Sherman Mendoza and the Caliph, Nick Moede and Rich’s, Michael Weiss and Lei’s Lounge, Chris Shaw and Urban Mo’s, Gossip Grill, Bangkok Bistro, Big Mike, Top Chef, Tom Brown, Alma Rosa Vasic and City Commissioner Shonee Henry. The drinks and delicious food flowed all afternoon and folk singer Kris performed for a most appreciative crowd.
Sen. Chris Kehoe, City Councilman Todd Gloria, District Attorney Bonnie Dumanis and School Board member Kevin Beiser all stopped by. There was a short program with remarks from Dr. Delores Jacobs and Doug Case (president San Diego Democratic Club) and I had the honor of presenting a bust of Harvey Milk for Toni’s office in our state capitol.
Vote for the Nicky Awards
Voting for the Nicky Awards is now going on. You can vote online at and there will be voting parties on Aug. 12. The Nicky Awards were founded in the early 1970s and are considered the “Gay Academy Awards” of San Diego.
This year the beneficiaries are The LGBT Center, Lambda Archives and the Imperial Court.
The entire community and friends are invited to the Nicky Awards on Aug. 28. Get your tickets today as this event is always sold out.
Drug/alcohol deaths on the rise
A recent report from the San Diego County medical examiner’s office found that the number of people in the county who have died of drug and alcohol intoxication continued to rise last year.
So let’s watch over and help each other rather than just doing and saying nothing. And let’s continue to support the programs of Stepping Stone, the Alano Club and our Center.
Nicole Murray Ramirez has been an award-winning columnist since 1973, and a Latino and gay activist for well over 40 years. He is currently a city commissioner and has served the last five mayors of San Diego. He is also a national board member of the Harvey Milk Foundation and chairman of the International Court Council of the USA, Canada and Mexico.