Prompted by the tragic and untimely suicide of 13-year-old Seth Walsh, the Department of Education launched an investigation into anti-gay bullying protections and prevention procedures within the Tehachapi School District, where Walsh was a student.
In light of the investigations, the DOE has issued a statement ruling that the Tehachapi School District as negligent in taking appropriate steps to combat bullying after receiving proper and repeated notification, according to measures outlined in Title IX and Title IV.
ThinkProgress reports that the DOE found Walsh to have been “subject to persistent, pervasive, and often severe sex-based harassment,” and that despite receiving ample notice concerning these circumstances the District failed to take sufficient action.
“Although the District’s Sexual Harassment Policy and Regulation are consistent with the law with respect to sexual harassment,” the DOE report reads, “the District did not adhere to its own policy in addressing the multiple forms of notice it received with regard to the treatment of the Student.”
As a result of the California DOE investigation, the Tehachapi School District will now be required to take strong steps to enforce anti-bullying policies, such as hiring new implementation and oversight personnel, creating training opportunities for faculty and staff and revising ineffective protocols. The District will also be required to report on the success of all intervention strategies moving forward.