Well, summer is here. Take the time to see how beautiful our city really is. Yes, take the time in your busy schedules to “smell the roses.”
An overwhelming response
I wish, most sincerely, to thank the so very many of you who responded to my last column. It’s been overwhelming and I will live up to my commitment about this column. Of the many conversations I had, I especially appreciated the ones with Stephen Whitburn, Ralph Denning and Vicky Kerley.
I apologized to Whitburn and Denney for my columns during their campaigns for public office which at times were very negative. Anyone who runs for public office to make a difference should have our respect and I wish them the best.
Vicky Kerley and I had a great conversation and she knows I did not call anyone a “racist.” I found her to be very dedicated to our community and wish her success as the new president of the Log Cabin Club.
The mayor’s race
A recent Channel 10 news poll on the mayor’s race next year had the three front runners as Carl DeMaio, Bonnie Dumanis and Bob Filner. Yes, the primary election is a year away and there will be a lot more polls in the next months. With so many big names in the race anything can and will happen.
I attended Nathan Fletcher’s mayoral campaign kickoff and he had a big crowd show up. Lots of young people in attendance. His speech was one of the best I’ve heard. Keep your eyes on this candidate.
Bonnie Dumanis’ campaign kickoff has been set for June 28. Among her many endorsers are former Democratic Congresswoman Lynn Schenk, Mayor Jerry Sanders, Sheriff Bill Gore, Supervisor Ron Roberts, former Sheriff Bill Kolender, openly gay Councilman Dave Roberts (Solana Beach), Democratic party fundraisers Laurie Black and Murray and Elaine Galinson – as well as GLBT leaders Bob Nelson, Phil Diamond and Kevin Tilden, to name a few.
Polls continue to show that if both Filner and Chris Kehoe are in the race, the chances of a Democrat making the run-off next June are not very good. San Diego has not elected a Democratic mayor since the ever popular Maureen O’Connor.
A Note to My Kid
If you all love the national It Gets Better campaign, you’re going to really love A Note to My Kid about giving parents of LGBT and questioning children, or any parent for that matter, the opportunity to publicly share letters of unconditional love to their children.
A Note to My Kid is now up and is a site that aims to provide parents who may not know how to broach the subject of sexuality the opportunity to learn from example.
San Diegans Patrick Wallace and Michael Volpatt are the wonderful founders of this upcoming campaign and I’ll be keeping you posted, but do check out: www.anotetomykid.com.
Republican presidential debate
This past Monday, I watched the two hour Republican presidential debate from New Hampshire and it makes it even more clear that all the leading candidates for president are even more arch-conservative and anti-gay, anti-choice/anti-planned parenthood – especially their leading candidate at this time, former Governor Mitch Romney.
The leading candidates came out and took a strong stand against gay marriage and those states that have gay marriage and called for the return of Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell. Please educate yourself on all the candidates and register to vote!
2011 Nicky Awards: Aug. 28
Community activists Lisa Sanders and Allan Spyere have returned as co-chairs of the 2011 Nicky Awards Board of Governors, set for Sunday, Aug. 28. The Nicky Awards, which the mainstream media have called “the gay academy awards of San Diego,” are one of the oldest GLBT community awards in the nation. The 36th annual Nicky Awards will benefit The Center, Lambda Archives and the Imperial Court. Nicky Awards nomination night has been set for Monday, July 25 at Martinis Above Fourth. You can start nominating people, businesses, organizations and entertainers next week! For more info: 619-300-1232 or nickyawards.com
Silicone murderer captured
Over a year ago, there was much media attention on silicone “pumping parties” where mostly transsexuals and females would go to get their breasts, cheeks, lips, etc. pumped up with silicone, usually from someone without a medical license. Yes, some men would also get work done on themselves, including making their penises fatter.
A local transsexual died from the procedure and others had bad results from such illegal pumping parties. And now comes word that the individual who did the work was captured and arrested in Mexico and could be sent here to face murder charges. The sad news is that these silicone “pumping parties” are still going on.
About Father’s Day
Those of you who have close and good relationships with your parents and family should truly treasure them because many of us don’t. My father and I never truly patched things up before he died. He was a very macho Latino, a veteran and really never accepted me as his gay son. My mother does accept me and I have one gay brother.
Every Father’s Day I think about the relationship with my father that I never had and how cold he could be. So once again, do not take your family relationships for granted. Cherish them as many of us never got a choice to have them.
Nicole Murray Ramirez has been an award-winning columnist since 1973, and a Latino and gay activist for well over 40 years. He is currently a city commissioner and has served the last five mayors of San Diego. He is also a national board member of the Harvey Milk Foundation and chairman of the International Court Council of the USA, Canada and Mexico. Nicolemrsd@aol.com