Father’s Day can be lonely for many
Father’s Day is a great opportunity to spend time with your father and remind him how much you love and appreciate him. However, if you have lost your father, or if you are a parent and your children are not around anymore, the holiday can be very depressing and lonely. And, according to a 2007 study from the Rush University Medical Center in Chicago, chronic loneliness and feelings of abandonment puts seniors at risk for dementia. The Alzheimer’s Association encourages seniors to stay socially connected and exercise both your body and mind to try to protect against developing Alzheimer’s Disease or related disorders.
If you or someone you know feels as though Father’s Day may be hard to get through, consider these ideas to help cope with the difficult emotions brought on by the reminder of your parents’ or children’s absence:
• Volunteer and help lift the spirits of a senior who might also be feeling down about this day.
• Write your parent a letter or card, even though they are no longer with you.
• Talk to a friend or family member you trust to share your feelings about this day.
• Plant a tree in your parent’s memory.
• Do something you enjoy! Whether it’s gardening or playing cards with your friends, engage in an activity that makes you happy.
• Remember that you are a parent no matter if your children live many miles away or have passed away. Once a parent, always a parent.
• Give back to the community. Contributing to your community is a rewarding and fun way to stay active on Father’s Day.
• Plan out your day in advance. Make plans to visit with a friend or to go see a movie. Having a plan will help you manage your expectations of the day.
The absence of parents or children are hard on any holiday, however Father’s Day can be especially rough since the holiday is meant to honor the special bond between child and parent. Incorporate one or all of these suggestions into your plans for Father’s Day to help ease the pain of being without your loved ones on this holiday.
PAUL DOWNEY, CEO and President
Senior Community Centers
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