Summer is here and San Diego Pride is coming. Our parade is the biggest civic parade of all of the annual parades in the entire City of San Diego.
Another lie
I know it’s become very obvious that a certain gay media outlet is on the attack when it comes to me and those who do not agree with the LGBT Redistricting Task Force.
First, there was the lie that I called Linda Perine a racist. Now comes another lie that I called Ben Cartwright a bigot. Seems this media outlet and its owner believe that if you repeat lies enough, then people might start to believe them.
I have always highly respected Ben Cartwright and his activism. Although I disagree with him on some issues, I believe he is a committed activist that has done a lot of good for our community and our fight for equality.
The commentary written about me is full of lies, period. Let’s see the author and your associates at this media outlet prove your statements.
LGBT Redistricting Task Force
Last week, I attended a meeting of the LGBT Redistricting Task Force (thank you, Doug Case) and addressed the members. I hope to have more dialogue with the Task Force and let them know that though many of us disagree with their redistricting map, still, we acknowledge their community activism and work. I urge them to make their meetings more known and to have a section for community input.
Yes, Vicky Kerley, president of the Log Cabin Republicans was there. For all of you who have been asking, she did not say one word to me. Of course, she could not prove her attacks on me and collect my $1,000 offer if she could.
As for the Task Force, let’s agree to disagree like ladies and gentlemen. Thank you.
Mayor’s race 2012
Get ready folks because in less than 30 days, the candidates for mayor can officially begin raising funds. With possibly three candidates from our community, get ready for the phone calls and invitations.
In the meantime, all polls show Congressman Bob Filner as still the strongest Democratic candidate, but Chris Kehoe says she will do her own poll and then decide if she will run. Carl DeMaio’s voter strength continues to be conservative Republicans and Tea Party members. State Assemblyman Nathan Fletcher is the one to keep an eye on, so everyone says, and District Attorney Bonnie Dumanis continues to be getting major Democrat and Republican endorsements.
Stepping Stone turns 35
I urge all of your support this weekend for the events celebrating Stepping Stone’s 35 years of saving and changing the lives of thousands of people addicted to drugs and alcohol. Many of us have seen this outstanding organization grow since the 1970s and let me tell you Stepping Stone is about love, support and miracles!
There is probably not anyone who has not been touched by drugs or alcohol, either knowing someone or, like me, being that someone. Stepping Stone has been here for 35 years for all of us and our friends and family. There will be two events this Saturday and Sunday. For more info: 619-278-0777,
Duffy reception June 5

The next mayor of San Francisco could be the first gay mayor of this great city, and the leading candidate is popular former city supervisor Bevan Duffy who will be in San Diego this coming Sunday, June 5. You are all invited to a special reception/fundraiser at the beautiful home of Susan Atkins (national chair Victory Fund) and Crystal Weathers. Co-host will be Robert Gleason, vice-chair of the Victory Fund.
Among Duffy supporters are Senator Chris Kehoe, Councilman Todd Gloria and many others. The reception will be this Sunday, 3-5 p.m. Info:
Rainbow Honor Walk

While in San Francisco, I met Castro businessman Isak Lindenauer, the co-chairman of the Rainbow Honor Walk Steering Committee, which has been an ongoing community project for about two years. This would be something like the movie stars sidewalk tributes now on the streets of Hollywood. This San Francisco project would be like a rainbow through the sidewalks of the Castro with the names of historic GLBT figures being honored. The honorees will not all be from San Francisco.
Among the first 20 that were recently officially announced as inductees are: Bayard Rustin, James Baldwin, Del Martin, Keith Haring, Randy Shilts, Allen Ginsberg, Sylvester, Christine Jorgensen, Tom Waddell, Gertrude Stein, Oscar Wilde and Virginia Wolf. This is a wonderful and important project for all GLBT people to support and be a part of. Bravo to co-founders Isak Lindenauer and David Perry.
I have since nominated and put in the names of Jose Sarria, Rev. Troy Perry and Cleve Jones. For more info:
A Harvey Milk school or street
We will soon be announcing a task force here in San Diego of community members working with school board members and council members with the goal to get a school or street named after Harvey Milk and with future hopeful honorees like Chris Kehoe, Jess Jessop and Dr. Brad Truax. This project has already received the support of school board members.
As I’ve always said, “A community that does not know where it came from does not really know where it’s going.” If you are interested in this project contact me at:
North County LGBT Center kick-off
Recently, I travelled up north to the Oceanside Museum of Art for a celebration and kick-off of a community drive for a new LGBT Community Resource Center of North County. A big crowd was at hand and I came with Stuart Milk, who was one of the keynote speakers. A lot of money, commitments and enthusiasm were raised and it was so nice to spend some time with our brothers and sisters living in North County. Congratulations to the North County LGBT Coalition and know that you have the support of us in San Diego. For more info: 760-672-1848,
HDF 15th anniversary June 11
The prestigious San Diego Human Dignity Foundation is celebrating its 15th anniversary on June 11 at the beautiful Anthology on India Street. Another outstanding organization, this one is about securing the future as well as the preservation of our GLBT community. Many times, quietly, but always quickly this foundation has been here for our community when we have needed them. Under the leadership of its very respected executive director, the Rev. Tony Freeman, the Human Dignity Foundation deserves all of our support. For more info:
Nicole Murray Ramirez has been an award-winning columnist since 1973, and a Latino and gay activist for well over 40 years. He is currently a city commissioner and has served the last five mayors of San Diego. He is also a national board member of the Harvey Milk Foundation and chairman of the International Court Council of the USA, Canada and Mexico.
Those of us who have followed you are quite aware of your decades of service and dedication to the community. It’s unfortunate there is so much infighting and drama within the community, which coincidentally happen to come along around the same time as one Johnathan Hale.
Oh come on Jeff, are you joking. Nicole has always required this much infighting and drama,