Before the AIDS epidemic hit, the gay and lesbian communities were largely separated; however, nothing brings together people like grief.
As gay men were dying, the lesbian community stepped forward to help care for the sick. They became “buddies” for those suffering from HIV and AIDS – cooking food, cleaning apartments, running errands and too often helping with funeral arrangements.
Locally, lesbians were also stepping forward to support their gay brothers, as well as taking leadership roles within our organizations. A great example is the Blood Sisters founded by the San Diego Democratic Club (SDDC). SDDC member Barbara Vick organized the first blood drive, thought to be the first of its kind anywhere.
The donations of blood create credits for blood to be given to people with AIDS and ARC. Nearly 200 lesbians gave blood in response to news that gay men are no longer allowed to donate blood because of the possibility of AIDS virus contamination.
The group included Barbara Vick, Jeri Dilno, Sharon Parker, Carol Pierce, Peggy Skill, Bridget Wilson, Cynthia Lawrence-Wallace, Tracy Stone, Ann Garwood, Peggy Heathers, Faith Burkhardt and Mary Paradise.
Lesbians also did this after a gay man killed my daughter. Such a spirit of love and sacrifice and full-on practical help. They are the essence of womanhood. I prefer them to Gandhi. I also saw lesbians in the hippy movement acting coleectively and they have awesome power — so what is stopping them expressing their true spirit. Of course society is a male empire and if it was ovethrown gay men would also benefit. That is why my daughter and her mum died — hope says dykes must never again have to bring their love like that, but they will forever symbolise hope. My novel Rosa and Taji almost complete is dedicated to every lesbian and bisexual women as my feeble attempt to give them a small part of what they deserve.
The novel is about two girls who dream and desire a different world. The Mother Earth is circled by Sister Moon and that should tell you so part of why those so beautiful are here.
Marriage is good but not complete without motherhood rights.
Tlalegwa, from Aiyana, Cherokee two spirit