The Log Cabin Republicans (LCR), America’s largest gay and lesbian Republican organization, has just announced their priority to stop President Obama from being reelected in 2012.
Plans to halt efforts reelecting Obama in 2012 are a reflection of a disappointing term for the LGBT community, according to Bob Kabel, Chairman of the District of Columbia Republican Committee (DCRC). As head of the state party, Kabel sits on the Republican National Committee (RNC). During Obama’s term, his administration pushed for repeal of the military policy ‘Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell,’ a discriminatory federal policy that prohibits gay and lesbian service members from disclosing their sexual orientation. Obama also ordered the U.S. Justice Department to stop defending a discriminatory section of the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA), a policy which does not federally recognize gay marriage – but Kabel insists these successes are enough.
“I, frankly, was one who really believed that perhaps we were at a moment in history where his sort of optimism and sort of self-stated ability to bring people together would actually make a difference,” Kabel said in a statement.
Kabel also explained that while Obama has shown leadership qualities as an extraordinary liberal partisan, there have been little to no efforts to unite Republicans with the nation’s pressing issues, particularly the nation’s economy.
The LCR plans to avoid social issues and focus more on the nation’s economical health if they plan on defeating Obama’s reelection in 2012.