Log Cabin Republicans have awarded the San Diego chapter with the Will Drabenstot Memorial Award for Chapter Excellence. This is the highest honor for a chapter.
“We are proud of the record our chapter has created, not only for the Republican Party but for the LGBT community here in San Diego,” said Victoria Kerley, San Diego Log Cabin Republican’s newly installed president. “Our fight to create a more inclusive Republican Party and efforts to create a defined voice for LGBT conservatives has clearly been felt, and I thank our dedicated leadership and chapter membership for working so hard toward our shared goals.”
As a part of the presentation of the award, San Diego’s Past President Ray Bell presented Log Cabin Republicans a check from the proceeds of the Equality for Warriors fundraiser, held by the chapter in April. This event raised funds for the organization’s ongoing lawsuit challenging the discriminatory Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell policy, and was a significant factor in the awarding of this honor to the San Diego chapter.
“The national office and organization is proud of the work San Diego has achieved, promoting awareness of our Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell case against the federal government, and working with your local allies in the Republican Party to create a home for those who are dedicated to individual freedom, personal responsibility and smaller government,” said Casey Pick, Log Cabin Republican’s national programs director.
The award was presented at the Log Cabin National Convention in Dallas, Texas on April 30. The award was decided and voted on by the national board of directors of the organization, and was based on the chapter’s involvement in the LGBT community, local Republican Party involvement and regional community involvement as a whole, plus its support of the Log Cabin Republicans mission, overall chapter strength and consideration of any outstanding activity.
Log Cabin Republicans promote legislation to provide basic fairness for gay and lesbian Americans and work to build a more inclusive GOP. For more information, log on to logcabin.org.