An open letter
I am confused and appalled by the opinion piece written by Nicole Murray Ramirez that appeared in the LGBT Weekly this past Thursday.
I am confused that a supposed leader of the LGBT and Latino community would oppose the creation of the strongest possible LGBT civil rights supportive district. He then turns around, and in the name of diversity, opposes the creation of a Latino empowerment district to help give the Latino community another seat at the table of power. Does that make any sense? It appears that Mr. Ramirez’s real priorities are simply that he does not want Councilmember Gloria to have to move. While I sympathize with Mr. Gloria, the charter clearly states that districts cannot be drawn for the convenience of the incumbent.
I am appalled that Mr. Ramirez, unable to defend his position by strong argument or benefit to the communities in question, stoops to the lowest form of race baiting. He attacks a group of people whose only sin is working really hard to empower the LGBT and Latino communities. Oh, and according to Mr. Ramirez, being white.
I was appalled at his disrespect for Linda Perine and her hard work. She assembled a team that was diverse politically, socially, economically and ethnically. She worked hard to build a district that would be a gem for any representative. To call her a racist is appalling. She deserves an apology and respect for what she accomplished.
Log Cabin Republicans San Diego stands behind her work. I served on this task force gladly. I am a proud Republican and helped to draw a district that my party will find challenging politically. Building a strong LGBT district is important for more than political reasons. This is our home. No matter where we sleep, the LGBT Community lives in District 3. That is one of the things I took away from this work. I am proud to have been on the task force and the work that was done. The work is not over either. These were just the pre-map meetings.
It saddens me that the leaders of a community that has had such heartbreaking losses to bullying, allow and indeed enable this kind of bullying in public discourse.
Can we please raise the level of the discussion? If you have good ideas or suggestions for redistricting, let’s hear them and talk them through with a modicum of civility.
Log Cabin Republicans San Diego
‘Horribly wrong’
The following comment was added to the LGBT Weekly website, under the Conversations With Nicole commentary, “Looking to the future,” Issue #25, May 5, 2011.
This is just horribly wrong! The fact that Todd Gloria is being incredibly selfish by not offering to move a half-mile to stay in a gay-friendly district does not warrant implying that the hard-working LGBT volunteers who are protecting our community are racist.
Nicole, the Latino Redistricting Council is 100 percent Latino – and they demanded, rightfully, that City Heights be theirs! It voted Yes on Proposition 8 and we need downtown and Mission Hills for the gay district because they voted No on Proposition 8. Are we really going to screw the Latinos out of their second city council district (they are 30 percent of the city!), and weaken the gay district just so this selfish man doesn’t have to move a few blocks?
Nicole, nothing could be worse than implying that those who are on the right side of this issue – Latino empowerment – are racist. That’s the lowest blow.
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