I’m off this Saturday to San Francisco with Stuart Milk to commemorate Harvey Milk’s birthday with rallies, marches, dinners, etc. I’ll be in the city by the bay for four days! Happy birthday, Harvey!
The redistricting issue
All my life, I have fought for Latino and GLBT visibility and equality. I have fought racism within and outside of our community. God has blessed me to see great changes and progress for both my Latino and gay community, which I love.
I have taken a stand to leave the 3rd District City Council seat as intact as possible. Currently it is about 60 percent of color and 40 percent white (with 30 languages being spoken in the 3rd District). The LGBT Redistricting Task Force plan would change it to 70 percent white. Yes, I oppose this plan as it would change the 3rd District from being the melting pot of our city and continuing the working and learning relationship that for decades has put people of color and gays together.
The recent GLBT sponsored children’s Easter egg hunt at Trolley Barn Park drew more than 500 children and their families together on an Easter Sunday. Sponsors: gay. Children/families: about 90 percent of color. All of us spent a wonderful Sunday together. That’s what the 3rd District is about: diversity.
Now some are attacking me as a reverse racist. The facts are that the LGBT community is divided on this issue. I do not doubt the hard work the LGBT Task Force has done, but I do not agree with their results and lack of outreach to the LGBT community in general.
I am not against another Latino district. In fact, in reality there will be three council districts with Latino majorities. Yes, many of us are not happy that Councilman Todd Gloria would be forced out of his district and more upset how many just think he can get up and move to a new “posh Hillcrest apartment” when he has taken two pay cuts.
Now, to Vicky Kerley, president of the Log Cabin Republicans. You, madam, are a liar. I never called Linda Perine or anyone else a “racist.” If you can back up your statement, I will donate $1,000 to your club. The ball is now firmly in your corner, Ms. Kerley.
It was Linda Perine who attacked me, subsequently resigned from the HRC and was reprimanded by the chairman of the Community Leadership Council (CLC). Do not put words in my mouth that I did not say. I love our 3rd Council District as it is and have lived in it most of my life. Let us agree to disagree on this redistricting issue. Thank you.
Thank you for your support of the Harvey Milk Diversity Breakfast
Three years ago, I approached Dr. Delores Jacobs and Robert Gleason about my idea of starting an annual Harvey Milk Diversity Breakfast – another civil rights breakfast like San Diego’s annual Martin Luther King’s All Peoples Breakfast and the Cesar Chavez Commemorative Breakfast. They both, rightfully, had concerns about starting another annual major gay event during these difficult economic times and, of course, word was that the governor would veto the Milk Day bill (he did). But, they believed in my vision and the rest is history as the next year the governor did sign Harvey Milk Day and this years breakfast is sold out with more than 1,000 people!

I am blessed that so many people share and support some of my ideas like the GLBT City Hall Exhibit, the LGBT Wall of Honor at The Center, the Center Gala, the children’s Easter egg hunt, etc. I am only an ideas person and it takes volunteers, organizations, businesses, etc. to make these events a reality. I will always be grateful to everyone who works so hard to make these ideas happen. They deserve the credit and recognition.
Dumanis, Gloria honor Alano Club
This past Saturday, I attended the annual gala dinner for the Alano Club and it was a great event. District Attorney Bonnie Dumanis and Councilman Todd Gloria presented awards to this outstanding organization which changes and saves lives seven days a week for those in recovery.
The food was fabulous; it was classic American fare by Creative Catering. The entertainment was over the top with the award-winning Sue Palmer and her band, which had the whole place dancing and having a good time.
Our community’s drug and alcohol problem seems to be always swept under the rug and not talked about. I know about drug addiction and it can affect anyone including me and so many others. Thank God for the Alano Club, Stepping Stone and The Center.
William Rodriguez-Kennedy
Being a visible activist/leader within the GLBT community can be like riding a roller coaster, full of ups and downs” Our “leaders/activists” are only human and do make mistakes. I’ve been here since the 1970s and I’ve seen leaders/activists come and go, rise and fall.
It is very sad indeed that some in our community and, word is, members of the Log Cabin Republican Club leaked stories and rumors about their club’s president, William Rodriguez-Kennedy, who then resigned after standing up like a man of principle and admitting some mistakes as president during some personal difficult times.
Rodriguez-Kennedy is a young, bright 23-year-old Marine veteran who became a national voice for lifting the Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell ban. Smart, articulate and handsome, he did our community proud and was an outstanding spokesperson. A board member of San Diego Pride and a Latino Republican who still has a bright future ahead of him, William Rodriguez-Kennedy continues to have the respect and friendship of many of us and we wish him the very best.
Rich’s commemorates Harvey Milk’s birthday
All of gay America will be commemorating Harvey Milk’s birthday this weekend and Rich’s will host the official dance birthday bash this Friday night, May 20, with all the door proceeds to benefit the Harvey Milk Foundation. Popular DJ Nick will be spinning and at 11 p.m. special guests Stuart Milk and City Councilman Todd Gloria as well as School Boardmember Kevin Beiser will cut the birthday cake (I’ll be your emcee) and then it’s party time ‘til 2 a.m.! There will be surprises and lots of eye candy, so see you at Rich’s this Friday night! Nicole Murray Ramirez has been an award-winning columnist since 1973, and a Latino and gay activist for well over 40 years. He is currently a city commissioner and has served the last five mayors of San Diego. He is also a national board member of the Harvey Milk Foundation and chairman of the International Court Council of the USA, Canada and Mexico. Nicolemrsd@aol.com.