Democrats host convention debriefing

Jess Durfee

Charging that Republicans have tried to systematically dismantle the American dream, U.S. Senator Dianne Feinstein urged attendees at the recent California Democratic Party Convention to challenge the radical GOP agenda in Washington and turn their energies to reelecting President Obama.

Jess Durfee, County Democratic Party Chair, will report to the San Diego Democratic Club on all the speeches, resolutions and strategies developed at the California State Democratic Convention, which concluded earlier this month as well as plans to act as host to next year’s Presidential-year convention here in San Diego. The debriefing takes place at SDDC’s monthly meeting on Thursday, May 26, 7 p.m. at Joyce Beers Community Center (1220 Cleveland Ave. in Hillcrest).

“Led by San Diego County Democratic Party Chair, Jess Durfee, 40 members of the San Diego Democratic Club attended the California Democratic Party Convention as delegates. That number represents nearly 21 percent of the San Diego County Delegates to this year’s Convention,” said SDDC Media/ Marketing Director, David Warmoth in a press statement, describing the significant number of SDDC members involved in the convention.

At the meeting, the club will also consider a resolution supporting collective bargaining rights for public employees. SDDC’s meetings are open to all and the public is invited to attend. For more information, log on to

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