‘Aging with Dignity’ already launched to support senior needs

To address the needs of the growing LGBT senior population, the San Diego Human Dignity Foundation (SDHDF) has launched a new initiative, Aging with Dignity.

“Now is the time to seriously begin to address the challenges facing our LGBT seniors,” said Tony Freeman, SDHDF Executive Director. “We are a community that has a long history of taking care of our own. The stories are difficult to hear, and the data is compelling.”

SDHDF will seek to build on and expand the work being done for LGBT seniors by other community groups and organizations, such as the LGBT Senior Housing Advisory Committee and The Center by raising and distributing funds, advocacy and increasing awareness. For example, SDHDF assisted with The Center’s recently released LGBT San Diego’s Trailblazing Generation senior needs assessment, as part of an ad hoc committee. That work inspired the creation of the Aging with Dignity initiative.

“We knew the needs assessment was in process, and we had been supportive of it, but we felt we didn’t need to wait until it was officially published to go ahead and launch our Aging with Dignity initiative,” Freeman said. “We wanted to go ahead and start the fundraising and start to raise awareness around LGBT senior issues.”

The first phase of Aging with Dignity includes raising $250,000 over a two-year period from individuals, foundations and corporations to support the establishment of a full-time LGBT senior advocate at The Center. The position would provide care and connection for seniors and also serve as a collection point for data as to the most pressing needs in our community.

SDHDF is first looking for “leadership gifts” from individuals and LGBT organizations that would commit $5,000 a year for a two-year period. After that initial support, SDHDF will then approach corporations and foundations for the balance of the funding. “The foundations and corporations really want to see that community support before they can invest,” Freeman said.

For more information about Aging with Dignity or SDHDF, visit myLGBTfoundation.org or call Freeman at 619-291-3383.

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