San Diego LGBT newspaper

Innovative Design Anchors Plans for Gay-Friendly California Senior Community

In a world of cookie-cutter senior living facilities, several cutting-edge New York designers and architects envision a distinct departure from the norm. The developers behind BOOM, a proposed gay-friendly senior community nestled in the desert outside Palm Springs, picture a re-defining of community for the aging Baby Boomer generation, rooted in sophisticated design and structured…

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San Diego LGBT newspaper

Republican National Committee Pulls Homophobic Site Off the Web

The Republican National Committee (RNC) recently created an online rebuttal to President Obama’s 2012 re-election campaign, entitled “Hope Isn’t Hiring” and featuring anti-LGBT messages designed to criticize Obama’s policies. But mere days after going live, the site has already been pulled from the web. Human Rights Campaign president Joe Solmonese was a vocal critic of…

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LGBT newspaper San Diego

Gay Pride, LGBT Nightlife Win Cologne Distinction as Germany’s Gay Capitol

Cologne, Germany boasts approximately one LGBT resident for every ten individuals city-wide — and the resultant explosion of gay and lesbian culture, from bars, cafes, restaurants and clubs to the city’s spectacular Pride events, has won Cologne distinction as the gay capitol of the country. Gay pride has become integral to Cologne’s cultural identity, according…

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LGBT newspaper San Diego

GLAAD Honors “Glee,” “Modern Family” & “Project Runway” at 22nd Annual Media Awards

The GLAAD Media Awards celebrate notable achievements on behalf of the LGBT community by presenting honors to programs and individuals who accurately and inclusively portray and support the lives of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender individuals in the media. This year’s 22nd Annual Media Awards event featured high-profile television honorees including “Glee,” “Modern Family” and…

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LGBT newspaper San Diego

Trump’s Past Support for Gay Community Could Sink Conservative Presidential Bid

Whether developed in earnest or as a massive publicity stunt, Donald Trump’s purported intention to court the Republican presidential bid for 2012 is no secret to the media. However, according to, Trump’s decision to launch his campaign in the hard-line conservative hotbed of Iowa may spell doom for his candidacy. Despite recent and highly…

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LGBT newspaper San Diego

Anthropologist Disputes Hype Over Theoretical “Gay Caveman”

The Wisconsin State Journal reported today that John Hawks, University of Wisconsin at Madison associate professor of anthropology, has expressed his criticism of theories suggesting the discovery of the “first homosexual caveman.” When a male skeleton was found buried in a manner usually reserved for women at a dig site in Prague, some archaeologists speculated…

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San Diego LGBT newspaper

Photocharity Blends Art, Music & Memorabilia to Benefit Homeless and LGBT Youth

San Diego nonprofit Photocharity is a youth support organization with a twist; and at this weekend’s fundraising gala event, organizers hope to bring the San Diego community together to share in their mission and create solutions for homeless and LGBT youth throughout the city. Designed to serve the severely underrepresented population of 18-24 year-old homeless…

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