Today, Bonnie Dumanis quickly responded to false news reports that she is dropping out of the race for San Diego mayor.
San Diego Americans for Safe Access (ASA) reported yesterday, March 31, that Dumanis was considering dropping out of mayoral race, citing the removal of one of her Facebook pages as its only source.
“San Diego District Attorney Bonnie Dumanis mayoral bid may be coming to an end as Dumanis for Mayor Facebook is shut down,” according to the story on the ASA website. “This week, the Dumanis campaign shut down the official Dumanis for Mayor Facebook campaign page and removed any mention of Bonnie Dumanis running for mayor from her personal Facebook page.”
Dumanis responded today on Twitter, saying: “I am still running for mayor – as hard as ever! Press reports I might be quitting because I took down one of my FB pages are wrong!”
Jennifer Tierney, representing the Dumanis campign, told the San Diego LGBT Weekly that Dumanis had consolidated the number of Facebook pages, which grew to more than five. “Some had been started by her office, some by her campaign, and then some personally by her,” Tierney said. “We just pared down the number of pages because it was so difficult for a Facebook user to figure out which page to use.”
The official Dumanis Facebook page – as well as her Twitter, LinkedIn, Flickr, MySpace and YouTube pages – can be accessed through her campaign’s website, bonnieforsandiego.com.
ASA is the local chapter of the largest national member-based organization of patients, medical professionals, scientists and concerned citizens promoting safe and legal access to cannabis for therapeutic use and research. The chapter’s website is safeaccesssd.org.
This is very disappointing news indeed. There are so many better qualified and morally superior candidates out there waiting to jump into the Mayor fray. LGBT’s-save your valuable votes for a mayoral aspirant worthy of your vote-NOT just because she happens to be gay!
Bonnie should do the right thing and drop out. She is a terrible waste of a LGBT vote. She fiercely backed Steve Cooley for AG and he vowed to strictly enforce Prop 8. Quite possibly it was the medical marijuana patient community organized by Americans for Safe Access who ultimately lost Cooley that race because of his persecution of patients – a campaign of hate Bonnie admired and then modeled here in San Diego which did not do her asset forfeiture coffers any harm.
Bonnie’s belligerent quest for power has led her around by the nose and straight into betrayal of her own. Bonnie ran in 2003 saying she supported safe access to medical cannabis. She claims to support patients to this day yet she raids and robs sick people in their homes who are in direct compliance with Prop 215, the Compassionate Use Act that allows Californians the medical use of cannabis.
Bonnie is bad for San Diego, not only should she drop out of the Mayor race but she should be recalled as DA due to her behavior.
It will be interesting to see what San Diego Americans for Safe Access does next.
Sad news. Even sadder is that our first openly gay DA has a moral compass which has turned away from the LBGT community. Her lack of compassion, her focus away from important issues, her grandstanding has not served our community well.
We need to do MORE than turn from a Mayor with a lesbian daughter, to a lesbian Mayor. In our community’s interest, can we look PAST sexuality, and really see what the candidate is about? Can we vote issues, not just orientation?
Our City is WAY too liberal for Bonnie as Mayor… Keep looking!
Bonnie Dumanis is a horrible human being that happens to be a Lesbian. It is troubling to me that a segment of the LBGT community will support her on that basis alone. MS Dumanis has proved herself a demagogue on the subject of Medical Marijuana. Some of her public remarks have been entirely untruthful on the subject. She has disregarded her oath of office. She swore to uphold the laws of the State of California. Instead she has chosen to ignore her oath. A lesbian yes but also a hypocrite. I urge my LBGT friends to oppose Dumanis at every turn. Thank-you.
As District Attorney Bonnie Dumanis has undermined the health and safety of the most vulnerable citizens in San Diego. She has arrested, prosecuted, raided and harassed medical marijuana patients for years. She has been responsible for years of abusive practices and intimidation tactics against others in the San Diego Community and spends more money investigating poor people on welfare than she does prosecuting criminals. She has dinancially and politically supported anti-gay candidates and has turned her back on her own community.