Now that Leather Pride has come and gone, I’d like to explain some basics of leather. To help those of you who want to understand, or if you are just curious about leather, here is a little more history, which will tell you about things that are happening today.
Leather has always been intriguing to a lot of folks, gay and straight. Here are a few things that you might see online, in the bars or perhaps on the street.
Online you might see this as a typical profile heading: “Daddy Looking For A Boy!” What this means is that a dominate male (a “Daddy,” always capitalized) is looking for a submissive male (a “boy,” always lower case), who is willing to please Daddy. Now, let me explain that boys want to please, but at the same time, Daddy does not want a door mat. Daddy wants someone who derives pleasure from making him happy. The boy wants to bring joy and smiles to a man he adores. That’s the basic mind set of a boy. Boys do not want to be humiliated, well, that’s another form of play. A boy appreciates hearing, “Thank you, boy!” It’s just that simple. The boy knows what he wants.
Now when you’re in the bar or on the street, you might see a boy with a chain around his neck and it’s locked. Who has the key? Daddy does. The boy is a “collard” boy. The chain and lock is referred to as a collar. It signifies, to all within eyesight, this boy has a Daddy. Daddy has placed the collar on the boy in a ceremony just like a wedding, either in private or amongst friends. The collar is like a wedding band.
As a rule, “Do not touch the boy’s collar” out of respect for the relationship of him and Daddy. The boy might grab your hand should you invade his space. Boys are not confrontational. They are loveable, cuddly, cute and huggable.
But you should not just walk up to one and hug him unless you know him and his Daddy, but you can ask Daddy first, “Sir, may I hug your boy?” He might nod yes or he might pull his boy into him to protect him. Daddies are very protective of their boys. So ask permission and be cordial.
Now slaves on the other hand are the sole property of their Masters. Note: You do not address a slave. You will know one when you see one. Most slaves do not interact with outsiders at all. Should you approach a slave, he might not speak. Don’t be disappointed. Both boys and slaves have chosen to give themselves to Daddy or Master. Email me should you have more questions on this subject.

Speaking of Daddies, our San Diego Leather Community has just given birth to a new Daddy. Mr. Anthony Rollar was presented his cover during the Titleholder Appreciation Cocktail Night on March 17 at Numbers by Mr. Dickerson. This is one of the most memorable moments in a Leatherman’s journey. Covers are earned, not given or bought. This night, Mr. Dickerson presented Mr. Anthony Rollar with his own personal cover – a tremendous honor. Congrats to Mr. Anthony Rollar, who is also going to International Mr. Leather (IML) in Chicago to represent San Diego, Memorial Day Weekend. He has been working toward this for a little while and I will be there to support him. It should be big fun!
Upcoming leather events
Here are some things that are coming up that you should know about:
• Mr. Bear San Diego is going to be at the Hole on March 26
• Tony’s up and fast moving group, Fetishmen, is hosting another “Dress It Up! Strip Down!” at the San Diego Eagle on Friday, April 8
• The San Diego Eagle is also having a bus run to Long Beach on April 17. What happens on the bus, stays on the bus. Leather folks should not gossip; should not!
• If you want to pony-up, then go to Palm Springs the weekend of April 29, because the San Diego and Palm Springs Rodeo Association are teaming up for your enjoyment. Some of us will be heading to Long Beach Leather Pride that same weekend.

• Now in May, like I said, I and a few of my closest leather friends will be going to Chicago to support my brother, Mr. Anthony Rollar, as he competes for IML. Just to go is an experience. Ask Mr. Dickerson, Mr. Latham, just to name a few, who made me proud. (Speaking of Mr Latham: Adam, thank you, Annie, Michael, David and the rest of the crew for making Leather Pride another year to remember.)
• Last but not least, June 17-19 is the California Leather Sir/boy, Community BootBlack and Puppy Contest at Queen Bees in North Park. Sir Miles, California Leather Sir 2010, will be stepping down and Todd Bishop, 2011 will carry the torch for the rest of the year. Another Sir will also be chosen to bring up the rear. You will be able to get tickets at the Eagle, Pleasures and Treasures, The Crypt on Park and the Oblelisk Bookstore. Support the community businesses. It’s gonna be a show. I promise!
Any more questions, contact me at intlleathersir2003@cox.net.
Dear sir , I have question,first let me explain something to you , I’m very attracted to the leather culture for ever ,but I never tried it , and I”m very attracted to leather and all of that, because I’m new and perhaps a little naive even that I’m in my 50s , I got on a gay online site envolved with a Master who want me to be his slave , I was intrigue and I liked the attention he was giving me ,he was supposed to be training me but I got a little worry when he started talking about buying toys and that I was suppose to be paying 300 or half of the 600 ,the price of the toys ..even I told him I was short of money and that I couldn’t expend money at this time …I start trusting him before that then he want it me to open a account with a SM leather dating site ,he want it me to open a Gold account , that was way too expensive , then I open a simple one for a month to try it , he had my pass word and my user name , the next day I found out I was in the Gold price , I’m kind of sure he change it to gold. I don’t think I want to be somebodies slave , I had the feeling he was started to use me I got scare and I canceled my contact with him ,sorry about the long explanation ,now the question: do you think there is another way to meet honest people ? do you think he was tricking me into something weird? you know it sounds more attractive to me the relationship you describe of a Daddy -boy, or maybe I’m too old for that? please if you can , answer my questions and help me , I don’t want to make a mistake and get involve with the wrong guy. Remember I’m new at this and I want to get into the leather world but the right way , any site I can go for info?Thank deara Sir