San Diego Alliance for Marriage Equality (SAME) is organizing Our Streets! Our Lives! One is Too Many! a rally, march and speak-out in support of hate-crime victims this Saturday, March 26, 1-3 p.m. at the North Park Community Park (near the corner of Howard and Oregon streets).
“Hate crimes, like school bullying, reach many people inside and out of the gay community,” said SAME President Cecile Veillard. “We want all communities touched by hate-crime to come together Saturday and begin to recognize we will survive better when we are working together.”
The event will begin with speaker presentations from several prominent LGBT community leaders, including School Board Member Kevin Beiser, State Assemblymember Toni Atkins, and allied Robert Robinson of the United African American Ministerial Action Council.
“Too often, LGBT people who have been victimized or bullied bear their pain in isolation. This march and rally will let them know they are not alone and that a whole community stands ready to support and care for them,” Atkins said. “I am very happy to be part of that supportive community and to be able to participate in this event.”

“There are tons of youth who are in unsupportive families, I want these kids to know they have a community, I want them to really feel it! That’s why I’m helping organize this event,” said Sean Bohac, a member of SAME. “There were two kids in my school who killed themselves; both of them were struggling with being gay.”
After the initial speakers, a march will be led from the community park south to University Avenue, east to 30th Street, and loop-back around on El Cajon Boulevard. Participants are encouraged to bring signs, and be ready to join chants and/or share their own stories. Drums and other noisemakers are also welcome. An open-mic speak-out will follow.
“After the lead speakers speak, we’re going to open up the mic to people – anyone who is there that would like to talk about how these issues have affected them in their lives, if they have been victims, whatever it may be,” said Lisa Kove, a member of SAME. “We encourage people to come and speak their mind.”
More information is available at samealliance.com.