I am off to New York and their freezing weather, and then it’s on to Washington D.C. So, in the meantime I’ve written a lot in this column for you all to think about!
A third war for America
First, we’re in Iraq, then Afghanistan and now we’re in Libya, all costing billions of dollars and for countries that treat their women as second class citizens and where its LGBT citizens are treated even worse and a gay lifestyle is against the law. Countries where hanging and stoning of women and homosexuals happens all the time. These wars are not only costing America billions of dollars but have cost many young soldiers lives. For what? America cannot be the big brother of all these countries and shove democracy down their throats. What is even worse is that all polls and studies in all these three countries show that their people do not like America.
What a mess our government continues to be in. When will it all end?
Is Mexico safe for gays?
Recently, a gay American living in Baja, Mexico was found dead in his apartment. The motive was robbery. Not long ago, another gay American living in Baja was killed by his much younger Mexican lover and his friends. Robbery was the motive.
Many Americans, including gay men, live in Mexico because rent, food, etc. is much cheaper there.
Mexico is not too protective of gays as a whole. The truth is, once police find out that they’re dealing with gays, blackmail or attempted bribery is involved, or the case becomes a low priority is the usual. With the bad economy hitting Mexico even worse, are gay Americans becoming an easy target for robbery? I’ve received numerous reports of incidents happening all over Baja about gay Americans living there or visiting.
So just a word to the wise: if you’re going to Mexico just be careful, alert and, yes, not so obvious.
Supporting unions
It seems that America’s labor unions and their families are under attack by our enemies, the radical right. One of the most important coalition buildings happened in the 1970s when Harvey Milk and other gay activists started supporting unions and the then Coors boycott. Harvey Milk also supported the farm workers union. During these times, our community should support our labor working families. Their enemies are our enemies.
LGBT entry in the St. Patrick’s parade?

Every year there is a gay contingent in the Martin Luther King parade (Jim Cua and I organized the first one many years ago) and the Cesar Chavez parade, with proud LGBT African Americans and Latinos and supporters marching in both of them. I have always wondered why there isn’t an LGBT Irish contingent marching proudly in San Diego’s annual St. Patrick’s Day parade?
Why not continue to show our community’s diversity and that we are indeed everywhere. Any proud LGBT Irish Americans out there?
About supporting LGBT Republicans
My last column got a lot of feedback with many attacking gay Republicans and almost branding them as the “Judas” of our community! This country is based on a two party system. The reality is that all American minorities should be involved in both the Democratic and Republican party.
The Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell ban was lifted with Republican senate votes. Without those votes, it would have failed. Yes, many Republicans are against LGBT equality, but if this party is ever going to change, then we must be involved in that change and the facts are the Log Cabin Republicans as well as many LGBT Republicans are making a difference. We should support their efforts.
Wanted: Easter baskets for children!
About eight years ago, I came up with the idea of a children’s Easter egg hunt at Trolley Park in University Heights. I approached my straight grandmother friend of mine, Linda Chiders, who had put on family Easter egg hunts, and with the Imperial Court held the first Easter egg hunt, and about 50 children showed up. Last year, more than 500 children and their parents showed up! It’s now a big, wonderful and fun event co-sponsored by The Center and Family Matters with support from all over the LGBT community and business. This year’s event is co-sponsored by Councilman Todd Gloria. The event is another great thing our community does for children, like annual children’s Christmas toy drives.
We need Easter baskets, so please donate some … drop them off at The Center or phone 619-300-1232.
A children’s birthday box
After more than 30 years of getting Christmas toys for children of LGBT families and friends, we have also learned how the bad economy has affected LGBT families, many losing their homes and jobs. Our community tries to take care of its own.
Now, we provide holiday toys and food for children and families, many living almost below the poverty line. After realizing how many of our LGBT families are struggling during these bad economic times, Emperor Allan Spyere and I came up with the idea of an ongoing Children’s Birthday Box, where people can donate toys, gift cards, etc. for kids one to 13 years old. We are working with The Center and Family Matters and have already launched the Children’s Birthday Box project to be ongoing all year round. So drop off some birthday toys in the children’s colorful box now at The Center. For more information, contact Emperor Allan Spyere at 619-300-1232. Thank you!
Win free Pride festival tickets
LGBTweekly.com is giving away a pair of Pride festival tickets each week!! Register to win by subscribing to our E-newsletter at LGBTweekly.com. You know what they say “you can’t win if you don’t play!” Nicole Murray Ramirez has been an award-winning columnist since 1973, and a Latino and gay activist for well over 40 years. He is currently a City Commissioner and has served the last five mayors of San Diego. He is also a national board member of the Harvey Milk Foundation and Chairman of the International Court Council of the USA, Canada and Mexico. Nicolemrsd@aol.com.