A poll taken today by Washington Post-ABC News reflects the increase of support for the right to marriage for same-sex couples. This is the third national poll within the past few months that shows a majority of supporters for the freedom to marry for all. With 53% of Americans supporting this freedom, it is clear that there is an escalating amount of approval for same-sex marriage. This is the highest level of backing to date, with previous polls by CNN and the Associated Press with 52% of support in August 2010.
Freedom to Marry is the campaign to win equal marriage nationwide. Its founder and President, Even Wolfson, made the following statement:
“This newest poll confirms yet again that Americans have been on a journey of understanding, living up to the American value of treating others as we would all want to be treated and staying true to our nation’s history of upholding the American promise of equality under the law. As Americans have had time to hear more about the lives and families of their gay and lesbian neighbors, co-workers, and family members – personal conversations about why marriage matters and stories of loving and committed couples harmed by the denial of marriage and the safety-net it brings – hearts have opened and minds have changed.”
“When the so-called ‘Defense of Marriage Act’ was stampeded through in 1996, only 26% of Americans supported the freedom to marry. In the 15 years since, that support has more than doubled. Bob Barr, the Republican Congressman who wrote DOMA, and Bill Clinton, the Democratic President who signed it, have repudiated DOMA and called for its overturning, and members of Congress who voted for DOMA, such as Senators Chuck Schumer and Patty Murray, came together earlier this week to co-sponsor the Respect for Marriage Act, a bill introduced to repeal the discriminatory law. They, along with many others from across the political spectrum, have made the journey to fairness that has brought us to a majority.”
“As a candidate and in the White House, President Obama has repeatedly spoken against federal marriage discrimination under DOMA, and just weeks ago agreed with Attorney General Holder that the ‘Defense of Marriage Act’ is indefensible under the Constitution’s command of equal protection. As the President’s personal position marry continues to, in his words, ‘evolve,’ Freedom to Marry, distinguished Americans, and gay and non-gay people across the country call on him to ‘Say I Do’ and join the majority for marriage.”
Freedom to Marry has shown extreme progression with support growing at record rates this year, in all areas of the population.