NEW ORLEANS – Reverend Grant Storms, an anti-gay Christian fundamentalist preacher from New Orleans, has been arrested for public masturbation near a playground in a public park.
Storm said he was urinating in a bottle on his lunch break, but two witnesses say they saw him masturbating. Police reports stated the preacher confessed, but Storms later denied the allegations but asked for forgiveness from other preachers.
Storms, a notorious protestor of the largest gay event in New Orleans, the Southern Decadence festival, was heavily criticized by festival organizer Chuck Robinson who told the Times-Picayune, “He’s done everything through the years to disturb [the festival] and try to make it into something nasty.”
Storms said he asked for forgiveness from his wife and four children, admitting that he has a problem with sexually explicit material. He went on to say, “I let a lot of people down, and you know, I just pray that they can find it within their heart to forgive me.”
“If the Rev. Storms is caught doing that in our city, it is ludicrous and heinous that he would have the nerve to complain about any kind of sexuality,” Robinson said.