AUSTRALIA – Australian Liberal MP Malcolm Turnbull has begun polling his constituents on the issue of marriage equality and has sent questionnaires to residents in his Sydney seat of Wentworth. The Herald Sun reported that Turnbull had said that 68 percent of the 1,800 people who had responded supported gay marriage.
“This survey is important as community views on marriage and the legal status of same-sex relationships are rapidly changing,” Turnbull stated.
Last November, the Green Party won a motion calling on MPs (Members of Parliament) to ask their constituents about the issue and recent polls are showing increased support for a change in the law.
Before Christmas, Fairfax-Neilsen research found that 57 percent of 1,400 were in favor of gay marriage, while a poll carried out for gay rights groups in October found that 62 percent were in favor.
The Labor party will debate its policy on gay marriage at its conference this year. Prime Minister Julia Gillard has said she believes marriage should be between a man and a woman.