Carolyn Bowahy, Broker-associate at ARG Abbott Realty Group, just scored a major plum for a University Heights client. Her listing was chosen as the show’s San Diego remodel spotlight and hosts Tanya Memme and Roger Hazard will work their magic before our very eyes. Rehab will be complete in time for a public open house on Feb. 27, from noon to 4 p.m.
The house is a 1916 bungalow of 938 square feet with a four-car garage. Sounds perfect! Benignly neglected for years by the owner’s grandmother, Roger and Tanya have big plans for this little cottage. Hunky Roger and his crew of hot contractors along with the stunning Tanya mean plenty of eye candy for all! Kudos to Carolyn for marketing way out of the box.
Check back here for air times and address.
Yours for a song
If you’re the type who has a great story, but no audience to hear it, our colleague Sandy Bramberg at Keller Williams Realty La Mesa has an interesting new listing: The North Park Theatre. The venerable old playhouse underwent a massive renovation less than a decade ago amidst charges of misuse of redevelopment funds. Like the trooper it is, the show went on to cheers and accolades from community, artists and theater goers alike.
Like millions of homeowners struggling through Great Depression II, Lyric Opera San Diego has decided its “house” no longer pencils and with a monthly break-even of $54,000 their decision to sell is understandable. The 32,000 square foot building seats 731 patrons. A long “standing O” is due LOSD for their investment in the rehabilitation of this local gem and to the revitalization it jumpstarted along the University Avenue and 30th Street corridors.
The sale must not be cast as a failure, but should be billed as a nod to reality with a healthy dose of deep gratitude for everything LOSD and the North Park have meant to a neighborhood and to San Diego.
Rumors of less-than-perfect offers tendered to the owners are swirling, perhaps indicating that LOSD won’t sell to the first mega-church or porno house with a fistful of tainted cash.
(If it comes down to a choice between the two, I say go for the porn. At least it generates tax revenue.)
With some $13 million invested in the North Park, LOSD’s asking price of $5.5 million seems reasonable. Hey Darla, Spanky, Buckwheat and Alfalfa! Come on, kids. Let’s put on a show. Contact Sandy Bramberg, Realtor at 619-469-0700 for further information.

Support for the troops
In a grudging, better-late-than-never, mea culpa Chase Bank announced Tuesday that it is making restitution to the active-duty overseas military personnel whom Chase overcharged, ignored and ultimately foreclosed upon in direct violation of federal law. Big Bad Banking’s most liberal-leaning behemoth promised never-ever to do it again. More than 4,500 families were affected. Chase now promises loan modifications, interest rate rollbacks and a few other bennies.
Has morality descended on Wall Street? We shall stand guard … with fingers crossed and bayonets ready.
Wanna be mayor?
With confirmations that longtime congressman Bob Filner (D-CA) has officially moved within the borders of the City of San Diego, can a mayoral campaign be in his future? Some real head-scratching going on as to why anyone in their right mind would want America’s Worst Job in America’s Finest City.
With Republicans Bonnie Dumanis and Carl DeMaio in or nearly in the race along with Assemblyman Nathan Fletcher and City Councilman Kevin Faulconer, the Repubs need just three more to become the seven dwarfs. I discount Dumanis and DeMaio. I mean gay and Republican? Please. Can we get a little self-esteem here, folks?
Hey wait, if the conservatives become Sleepy, Sneezy, Dopey et al … that would leave Filner as Snow White and after all those years in Washington, well, you know, what are the chances of that?
I say draft Jerry Sanders a la Mike Bloomberg for a third term. Barring that, what’s Maureen O’Connor up to? She and Sanders are the only two mayors of recent vintage with the skill-sets and core competencies to run the place. Pete Wilson, too. But no doubt he’d be found too pragmatic, i.e, liberal by his own party.
None of those currently mentioned as “in” have a clue what to do, and besides we all know what they’re after. Yep, you guessed it, another government pension. I’d call on anyone with an eye on the Mayor’s office to pledge not to accept any city retirement benefits.
I’ll just sit here by my thermal paper fax machine and wait for those promises to roll in … waiting … still waiting … hello, operator, can you ping my fax line.
Jim Abbott is the President/Managing Broker of ARG Abbott Realty Group DRE LIC 1843472. He serves on the Board of Directors of the Nat’l. Assn of Gay and Lesbian Real Estate Professionals. He is a former board member at EQCA, SDAR, CAR and a past Library Commissioner for the City of San Diego. He can be reached at info@argsd.com or at his downtown office where his adult children pretend to let him run the company.